
Giving It All Away

“Many who are first will be last, and the last first.” Mark 10:31

Often we think of the abundant life that Jesus promised us, and we see ourselves financially blessed with an overflow to give to others. However, in Mark 10:17-31, Jesus asked a rich young ruler to give away all that he had. Jesus didn’t ask the rich man to give from his overflow; He asked him to give everything he possessed to the poor. If the man had done what Jesus asked of him, it would have left the man without any personal resource. He would have lost his self-sufficiency, the ability to lean on his own strength, influence and ability that his riches provided him. The man walked away sorrowful. He couldn’t let go of his own sufficiency, even though Jesus promised him the treasures of heaven.

Jesus then turned to his disciples, the twelve who left everything to follow Him, and said, “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God.” Jesus broke it down for them – it isn’t the money; it’s the trust. If God asks us to give from our overflow, it’s not as difficult because we still have something to lean on. However, when God asks us to give away what we lean on, then He’s asked us to lean on Him. He’s asked us not only to trust Him for today, but to trust Him with tomorrow, not knowing how it will be done.

Then Peter compared himself to the rich man and said in verse 28, “See, we have left all and followed you.” Jesus affirmed Peter with an answer of certain trust in his future. In addition, Jesus spoke of spiritual treasure, experiencing the glory of God’s kingdom. It wasn’t the rich young ruler who preached on the historic day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was released to live in the hearts of men and women. It wasn’t the rich young ruler who ministered the miraculous anointing of heaven that brought freedom to the spiritual captives of his generation. No, it was Peter who recognized the man he followed was God in flesh, the promised Messiah, the Redeemer of all mankind. Peter not only observed His teaching, His miracles, and His love; but Peter was privileged to be a foundational stone of Christ’s kingdom, stepping into the ministry of Christ, experiencing the glory of God’s power to do the same works as Christ, and greater.

Jesus said, “Many who are first will be last, and the last first.” Those who seem to be prosperous in this life, are not always the ones who are living life to the fullest. Those who choose to lean on God will know God and move in the supernatural. This is the best and richest life on earth.

Application: When you trust God with your tomorrow, you are free to give today. When you lean on God, He takes care of tomorrow.

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