“Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.” I Peter 3:7
The word for “weaker” has been translated from the Greek word “asthenes” which means weak, feeble, or sick. There has been more than one interpretation. It could refer to her physical strength, her weaker role in the society at the time, or to her role as the subordinate in the marriage. In context, I believe it is saying the husband should not underestimate the worth and ability of his covenant partner.
The Greek for “heirs together” is sunkleronomos, meaning “to possess with.” The word denotes a joint participant, coheir, fellow heir, one who receives a lot with another.” The word is also used in Hebrews 11:9 describing Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, “the heirs with him of the same promise.” It is also used in Romans 8:17, being joint-heirs with Christ and again in Ephesians 3:6 of Gentiles being fellow heirs with the Jews in one body, partakers of the promise in Christ.
When a husband values his wife as the one he is to possess with, his prayers are effective; his efforts are productive. In Genesis 2:18 God had seen that Adam was alone, and that it wasn’t good. Therefore, God gave Adam a partner, a wife. It says she was a comparable helper, which means someone who was suitable for him, someone who was capable of being his partner. In Malachi 2:14 God says that a man’s wife is his companion, his partner, not just for company, but for purpose. In Proverbs 31:10, it says that an excellent wife has great value. The word for “excellent” can also be translated “strong, powerful, and hardworking.”
If you despise what God honors, you will find yourself working against God. Dishonor or honor can be revealed in the way a man speaks to his wife and the way he speaks about her to others. It can be expressed in the way he treats her publicly and the way he treats her privately. Does he include her in his life, in his business, in his ministry? Does he include her in prayer? Does he share his heart? Does he want to hear her heart?
If you do not value the person God has sent to you, you could lose the effectiveness you could have had with the person by your side. On the other hand, if you have honored your wife, you can accomplish great things together. There are no restrictions to what God can do through your unity and love.
Application: If you are a married man, take a moment and meet with your wife. Tell her how she is valuable to you and pray over her.