
March 26

Luke 5:1-16

Jesus often preached by a body of water with a boat nearby because when the crowd would press Him, He would be able to get some distance. In this passage, Jesus teaches from Peter’s boat. People were desperate for Him, and He was there to meet their needs. How desperate are we?

When Jesus stopped teaching, He told Peter to fish. After hearing the Word taught, Jesus told Peter to go out deeper and fish. Peter responded with a statement like, “This fish aren’t biting today.” Then Peter says, “NEVERTHELESS AT YOUR WORD…” Peter obeyed based on what Jesus instructed.

Suddenly the fish were biting! That was not by chance. That was a supernatural miracle in marketplace ministry.

In verses 12-14, Jesus cleanses a leper and then tells the leper to go to the priest. The reason is because it was in the law for a person cleansed of leprosy to go to the priest to be confirmed as healed. Also, Jesus said going to the priests was a testimony to them. Jesus was often confronted and rejected by priests. This miracle also testified of the Christ to the religious leaders.

Our lives are testimonies to the people around us. Let’s live them well. If you are struggling, God is always on your side. He will never leave you or turn on you. There is no shadow of turning with Him.

Joshua 16-18

It matters to God where the tribes are established. He gave specific instruction where they were to possess, not just live and prosper. It was a place where they were to take for God’s purpose. It was a place where they were to multiply their nation. They were to give glory to God and share Him with the surrounding nations.

In Joshua 18:3 Joshua said to the people, “How long will you NEGLECT to go and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers has given you?” Here are a few thoughts:
When God mentions the forefathers, He is referring to covenant. God has bound Himself to this people and to this redemption plan.
God had a part, and EACH Israelite had a part in it.
Some of them were neglecting to step out and do their part. I heard this quote, “Delayed obedience is disobedience.” When God says move, a reliant faith will move at the word of the Lord.

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