
May 3

Luke 23:26-38

Jesus was mocked for His mission to save others. People shouted to Him, “If you are the king, save yourself!” Have you ever had someone mock you for something for which you are most passionate? People can be cruel, but I believe Satan can be behind mocking, criticisms, and voiced opinions. I believe Satan can be behind people who walk out on you, betray you, or slander you. Jesus was focused on what He had to go through for us, so let’s be focused on what we need to go through for Him!

1 Kings 6-7

When a temple is built or destroyed, there is often prophetic significance. Here, the mention of the temple is also mentioned with Israel leaving Egypt, being 480 years (or 12 x 40). Often in Scripture, especially prophetic Scripture, we find numbers that are divisible by 12. Obviously, because it is mentioned as such, these 480 years were in God’s timing.

In 6:12, the Lord clearly and specifically spoke with Solomon about the temple. He tells Solomon if he obeys Him, THEN I will perform My word with you. This is a principle in God’s Word. IF and THEN. There are often conditions to God’s promises. If we obey – if we rely on God in faith to the point of taking action, then we are aligned in surrender to the Lord, and we will receive.

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May 4

Luke 23:39-56 The whole crowd comes together to see the sight – the sun being darkened from noon to 3:00 p.m., the veil being torn in two, Jesus leaving His body on command as He...
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May 2

Luke 23:1-25 Jesus is handed over to Pontius Pilate. Then Jesus is turned over to King Herod. In verse 8, Herod was glad to meet Jesus, hoping to see a miracle done by Him. The...
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May 1

Luke 22:54-71 In verse 67, we see Jesus’ reason for not answering the Sanhedrin when questioned. He says, “If I tell you, you will by no means believe.” He also said that he knew they...
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