Acts 8:26-40
Philip was the first to be called an “evangelist” in the book of Acts (21:8). Chapter 8 is about eight years after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. In verse 26, a messenger from God tells Philip to head towards the Gaza desert. On the way, Philip encountered an Ethiopian man traveling on the road. The Ethiopian man was a government official with authority over Queen Candace’s treasury. This Gentile man worshipped Jehovah, the Jew’s God, and had gone to Jerusalem, God’s holy city.
The Holy Spirit said to Philip to overtake the chariot, so Philip ran to the man. Philip heard the man reading Isaiah, and he asked the Ethiopian if he understood what he was reading. The man was searching to understand, and God wanted to give him the answers. God sent Philip to guide the Ethiopian in his understanding. Much of Isaiah is prophetic of Christ. He was reading from chapter 53, which was prophetic of the Messiah’s sacrifice. Philip shared redemption through Jesus.
The man was hungry for God. As soon as he receives the revelation of Christ, he asks to be water baptized. As soon as the men came out of the water, the Holy Spirit “caught Philip away,” and Philip was found at Azotus, another city. He was supernaturally translated from one place to another, instantly. He continued to preach throughout all the citied up until Caesarea.
Job 13-15
In chapters 13 and 14, Job continues to speak to his critics, which ends the first dialogue. We can sense the passion in Job’s words.
In chapter 15, Eliphaz accuses Job of being foolish. First, he was accused of sin, and now Job is being criticized as lacking understanding. His friends show no compassion or consolation to Job whatsoever. It seems they care for Job and want to find the source of his sin so he can repent and be restored. It’s a shame that his friends lack understanding and do not seek God for the answers. Job is innocent. God has allowed Satan to test him.
Let me remind you this story is before the cross and the atonement in Christ’s blood. God does not want us to suffer for anything for which Christ has freed us from.