Romans 15:22-33
Results begin to happen when we begin to move. When we start serving someone else, the Holy Spirit shows up. When we do our part, the Spirit of God does His part. If we want to see signs, wonders, and miracles, then we must step out in faith and pray for someone in need, feed someone who is hungry, help someone who can’t help themselves. Paul mentions how the Holy Spirit showed up in power in his ministry when he went out to find people who had not heard the Gospel yet. When we put our wheels in motion, the Holy Spirit will move, working together to confirm God’s love and truth in power. Think of Peter. He didn’t walk on water until he got out of the boat. What action can we take today to minister to someone else? We can look for a need to fill and fill it. We can ask God for His leading, to give us boldness, to speak a word of knowledge, to prophecy, to work a miracle. God is not holding back from us or from reaching the world, so let’s work together with God and each other to see the world turned upside down for Christ!
Psalm 107, 108
We’ve been freed from sin! In addition, God has brought many of us out of distresses, storms, sickness, poverty, and more. God has delivered all of us out of some kind of bondage or trouble; we’ve been redeemed! Psalms 107:2 tells us, “Let the redeemed of the Lord SAY so.” What has God done for you? What has He delivered you from? Let’s encourage one another to speak up and praise God for what He has done for us! When we come together in our church meetings, let’s open our mouths and sing the words to the songs. Let’s share our stories with someone else. Let’s use our words to tell the world what great things God has done for us! Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!
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