
August 31

I Corinthians 11:1-15

Remember this Scripture is a letter from Apostle Paul to the Corinthian church. In this passage, Paul is addressing another specific issue in the culture of Corinth. In this time period and in this part of the world, women wore scarfs to cover their heads to signify that they were married. The scarf symbolized the wife’s submission to her husband as the authority in the home. Her hair was also symbolic of covering her head as the husband had authority over her. If a woman was loose or immoral, she would uncover or shave her head to state she was not in a committed marriage. For a man, in this culture, to uncover his head was a disgrace to his role in his marriage as the head.

Psalm 145-147

“The Lord protects and preserves the strangers and temporary residents, He upholds the fatherless and the widow and sets them upright, but the way of the wicked He makes crooked (turns upside down and brings to ruin)” Psalm 146:9. In this verse, we see the heart of our Father to care for hurting people. Not only does God lift those who are downcast; He also restores and strengthens. Praise God for His transformation!

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September 9

2 Corinthians 1 God has a comfort for the hurting soul that no one else can supply. God made the soul, He understands the soul, and He alone can provide what is necessary to make...
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September 10

2 Corinthians 2 When the purpose of correction is to teach, discipline will be followed up with love, forgiveness, and restoration. This is Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians. In the first letter he mentions...
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September 11

2 Corinthians 3 The glory of God describes the splendor and majesty of God, a glory so great that human flesh cannot see God’s actual face and live to talk about it. God’s glory is...
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