
September 1

1 Corinthians 11:16-34

When we take communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper, we remember, acknowledge, appreciate, celebrate, and receive from the work Jesus accomplish at the cross to forgive us of our sins and make us righteous before God. People who have taken communion with a humble heart have had testimonies of a supernatural breakthrough – bodies healed, miracles in finances, answers to prayer, and relationships restored. Communion can be taken anywhere- at church, at home, or wherever you are. It’s a time to bring our hearts to God in the surrender of obedient faith and invite God to have His way in our lives through His covenant of grace.

Psalm 148-150

If not for oxygen in the air, a human being could not survive for more than a couple minutes. In the same way we are dependent on air to breathe, we are dependent on God for our life in Him. With the life God gives, with the breath He supplies, we give Him our praise!

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April 28

Luke 21:20-38 In verse 29, the meaning for the fig tree parable is simply to say that when we see the signs of the times, like one would see buds on a tree, you know...
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April 27

Luke 21:1-19 Much of this chapter is focused on the temple in Jerusalem. It starts with Jesus observing the people giving, pointing out the widow who gave all she had in surrender to the Lord....
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April 26

Luke 20:27-47 Before Jesus’ death, He goes through more questioning and discussion. The intellect tries to understand spiritual truth, but it is the Holy Spirit that gives revelation. As Jesus told His disciples in the...
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