
September 28

Galatians 6

Self-righteousness has a superior, condemning attitude toward those who sin or who are overtaken in a misconduct. Paul has been addressing spiritual pride in Galatia, and he concludes this letter by instructing the Galatians to help bear one another’s burdens and troublesome moral faults rather than push them down (and lift themselves up). Walking someone on a journey of faith takes a humble heart that understand grace. It’s being patient with their spiritual growth, working with them in a gentle manner as they overcome sin. It reminds us to live with reverence for God, being careful not to judge others or to be critical of them.

Isaiah 13-15

Chapter 13 is about the Day of the Lord, at the end of the world. During the Day of the Lord, after the Rapture, Jesus fights a battle in the valley of Megiddo, or Armageddon. Several nations come together for one large battle, and Jesus defeats them with the word from his mouth. During the Day of the Lord, the wrath of God, or the bowls of wrath are poured out. We see that the stars, sun, and moon are darkened somehow. (To read more on the Day of the Lord, see the Scripture section under Faith Downloads on GrowChurches.com).

In Chapter 14, the king of Babylon falls, and then we see God addressing Lucifer, or Satan, falling. Babylon is where modern day Iraq is located, but Babylon is more than a location, and the king of Babylon is more than a man. Babylon, the nation that first took Israel captive after their establishment as a nation, is also referred to as the world system and Satan is the ruler of it. After the Day of the Lord, Jesus will come to set up His kingdom for the millennial reign, tearing down the world system and throw Satan into a bottomless pit for 1,000 years.

Often in prophecy we will read more than one meaning of text. Until chapter 24, we read prophecies of destruction against nations. Some of the writing could be for the day in which it was written, but overall, we are reading prophetic text of Jesus coming to overthrow governments and rule the world.

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April 25

Luke 20:1-26 Jesus goes through questioning the week between the Triumphal Entry and His crucifixion. The hatred from his enemies was only growing. Time was getting close for His death. In the middle of this...
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April 24

Luke 19:28-48 In verse 44, Jesus says, “YOU DID NOT KNOW THE TIME OF YOUR VISITATION.” For this reason, Jerusalem would be destroyed, their precious temple torn down, families separated and dispersed, Jews scattered around...
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