Revelation 19
Babylon is a wicked religious system. Rome is a wicked political system. Babylon has fallen, and heaven rejoices.
In verse 6, we read about the marriage supper of the Lamb. The rapture has occurred, and Christians are together with the Lord. This event is a covenant act, sharing a meal together. In a Bible covenant, sharing a meal, taking in food and drink, meant that we are now part of one another. It’s an act of receiving, acceptance, taking in. In our covenant in Christ, the food we eat represents accepting the sacrifice of His body and the drink represents the acceptance of His blood.
Do you remember that Jesus said, “But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom (Matthew 26:29).” This Marriage Supper of the Lamb is a celebration of our union, both in spirit and in our resurrected state. It also is a covenant act, celebrating our salvation make possible through our Brother and our King, Jesus Christ.
In verse 10 it says, “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” The word “testimony” is what is said by one who testifies, a witness. In context, the messenger told John not to worship him because he is just a witness, a messenger.
In verse 11, John sees Christ on a white horse. His name is Faithful and True. It is time to bring an end to the political system and take His place as King of the Earth. He makes war from righteousness, not wickedness. Christ is opposing the world system that rebels against His authority, and He takes them down.
His robe is dipped in blood. It is not the blood of His enemies, because the war has not yet taken place. I believe this is His blood, the blood He shed, and the blood He applied on the mercy seat.
He comes with armies of heaven, those clothes in linen. Those clothed in linen are those Christians who have been raptured (verse 8).
He speaks with a sword. When He speaks, the Holy Spirit moves in power. When He speaks to destroy a wicked, rebellious people, the power of God accomplishes that command. God has poured out the bowls of wrath, and now Jesus is said to tread the winepress of His wrath. A person makes wine by crushing the grapes. Jesus comes to crush His enemies, finalizing the wrath of God.
On His robe and thigh are the words, “King of kings and Lord of lords.” This is the declaration of His victory over the nations.
In verse 17 an angel calls for destruction of many nations, many people. These nations have gathered together in the valley of the ancient city of Tel Megiddo in Israel. The Greek name is Armageddon. The Antichrist and the False Prophet are thrown into the Lake of Fire. The rest are quickly killed by the power of God when Jesus speaks it.
Zechariah 7-9
In chapter 7, Zechariah now brings discernment between rituals and repentance. In verse 5, God asks, “Did you really fast for Me- for Me?” Fasting was one purpose of repentance, a time of surrender and seeking God. God knew their hearts were not genuinely turned over to Him. Their fasting was a superficial act, not a true turn toward obedience. God reminded these Jews that their predecessors ended up scattered and in captivity because of their disobedience.
In chapter 8, Zechariah prophesies of the coming restoration of Zion where all nations come to seek the Lord in Jerusalem, as well as the present day.
Chapter 9 begins with Israel being defended from her enemies. Staring in verse 9 there is a prophecy that begins with the Messiah’s first coming, when He comes riding into the city of Jerusalem being acknowledged and declared as Israel’s Messiah, their king. However, we know that many rejected Him. In verse 10, the prophecy foretells the spreading of His spiritual kingdom going around the world and His coming global reign. God promises to save His people.
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