
August 14

Romans 13

To please God, there is a question that we can ask ourselves in any given situation, “What would love do?” If we love God, would we do anything to put ourselves in opposition against God? No. If we love people, would we do anything to harm, take away, or stop supporting that person? No. The rules and regulations of the religious Law were based on performance and control. The law of love is based on faith and grace. If we love God and love people, we won’t sin against them. This is why all the commandments are wrapped up in this one single command, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Psalm 99-102

Have we ever been in circumstances where we questioned God’s goodness? Maybe we’ve asked, “God, why did you lead me here?” Maybe we’ve questioned, “God, why am I dealing with this difficulty?” In Psalm 100:5 it says, “For the Lord is good.” This psalm is about knowing His goodness, mercy, lovingkindness, faithfulness, and truth; and being thankful for Him being our God. Sure, this life has its hardships, but God is good. Sin has distorted the way the world operates, but God is good. We have an enemy that is working against us, but God is good! He is for us. He is ready to forgive us when we fall at His feet. He is ready to embrace us when we run into His arms. God loves us and He is good! That’s something to be glad about! That’s something for which we can be thankful!

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April 18

Luke 16:19-31 In these verses we find a story about Sheol, a holding place for the dead. For more on Hades and the afterlife, you can find an article called “What Does the Bible Say...
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April 17

Luke 16:1-18 “WHAT IS HIGHLY ESTEEMED AMONG MEN IS AN ABOMINATION IN THE SIGHT OF GOD (verse 15).” This was said about loving money, which is also about loving control and self-sufficiency. In the same...
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April 16

Luke 15:11-32 This passage is a parable about a father and two sons. One leaves home and returns. The other stays and resents the gracious treatment of the returning brother. in verse 17, it says...
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