
August 22

1 Corinthians 4

A proud heart is often a deceived heart, blinded from what’s true. A proud heart may feel superior to others, putting others down. A proud heart can also have a desire to control. Often people in pride are unaware of it. Paul comes to address their pride. The Greeks were focused on philosophies, thinking they know more than Paul, looking down on the Apostle as foolish. Paul responds that what they consider foolish is a sacrifice for what is spiritually important. The Corinthians were also showing their pretentious attitudes when Paul was absent, something that got back to Paul. Paul is a spiritual authority, someone despised by someone who has never walked in his shoes. Paul mentioned ten thousand teachers, but not many fathers. Philosophers could never do what Paul did for the people at Corinth, which was to love, care, instruct, train in spiritual matters, and demonstrate the power of God.

Psalms 119:49-104

When many think of the Old Testament, they think of the Jewish law, filled with rules and regulations, pointing us to a need for a Savior. Some dismiss much of the Old Testament because the New Testament has replaced the Old. However, there are rich treasures here that not only mention the ways of a powerful, holy God; but also give revelation on the mercy and the goodness of God. This Psalm is about God’s Law, but also look for the love of God in this chapter. In this skillfully written acrostic psalm, with eight couplets in each alphabetical stanza (making Psalm 119 the longest chapter in the Bible), the psalmist creates a beautiful expression of his heartfelt, loving relationship with God. The Old Testament is just as inspired as the New Testament, so when we read it, let’s read it with understanding from our heart.

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April 25

Luke 20:1-26 Jesus goes through questioning the week between the Triumphal Entry and His crucifixion. The hatred from his enemies was only growing. Time was getting close for His death. In the middle of this...
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April 24

Luke 19:28-48 In verse 44, Jesus says, “YOU DID NOT KNOW THE TIME OF YOUR VISITATION.” For this reason, Jerusalem would be destroyed, their precious temple torn down, families separated and dispersed, Jews scattered around...
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April 23

Luke 19:1-27 In verse 19, Jesus said of Himself, “for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” He spoke this after saving a cheating taxman, Zacchaeus. I’m...
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