
April 20

Luke 17:20-37

The Pharisees knew the Scriptures promised a coming Messiah, a king that would rule the nations from Jerusalem. Some said Jesus was the Messiah, but the Pharisees, in general, did not accept Jesus as the fulfillment of the prophecies.

In verse 20, these religious leaders question Jesus, asking Him when the kingdom would come.

In verse 21, Jesus says the kingdom would not be in a physical location, but would exist in the heart. As we know today, because of what Jesus did, when we receive Him, our hearts can change. And in those hearts, the Holy Spirit comes to stay.

A kingdom is where a king reigns. One day, Jesus will reign from Jerusalem, but right now, Jesus reigns in the hearts of children of God who will submit to His authority. If we want to live the fullness of that kingdom, we must fully yield ourselves to His Lordship. The humble in heart will experience the greatness of our God.

Before the kingdom comes to earth there will be judgment.

Noah and judgment
Jesus speaks of the future, saying they will be like the days of Noah. What were the days of Noah like? As Noah prepared for judgment, the people would not repent, but they continued living life focused on this temporary world. They ate, they drank, they married – they lived their lives, ignorant of the rains that were coming, even though Noah forewarned them.

Lot and judgment
In the days of lot, they also would not repent before coming judgment. They also were said to eat, drink, and lived their lives, unaware of the coming judgment.

Coming Judgment
When the final judgment comes, Jesus says the people are to act immediately, saying, “Remember Lot’s wife.” When judgment fell on Lot’s city, Lot and his family were warned. Lot and his daughters left, while the wife stayed farther behind. Don’t be like her, hesitant to respond.

Jerusalem compared to a carcass
In verse 37, “wherever the body is, there the eagles will be gathered together.” Judgment comes and the people will feel the loss. As we know, where there is death to an animal, birds of prey will come to pick the bones. In these days, Jerusalem will suffer devastation, and the nations will gather for the battle of Armageddon.

1 Samuel 30-31

In chapter 30, the city of Ziglag had been burned by the Amalekites. There’s not going back to Ziklag for David. God has a purpose, and He wants David to keep moving toward his destiny.

In 30:6, the people wanted to kill David by stoning. This grieved David – wouldn’t it grieve you? David strengthens himself in the Lord. David doesn’t just strengthen himself, not in the people. David strengthens himself IN THE LORD. We can do the same. Our strength comes from our dependency on the Lord Almighty!

In chapter 31, we read of Saul’s death. He was 20 years old when he was chosen king. He reigned for 40 years. He was about 60 when he died. In verse 12, it says the VALIANT men arose and traveled all night to gather the king and his son’s bodies to give them a proper burial in his homeland of Benjamin. Valiant means “possessing or showing courage or determination.” These men risked their lives to honor a king. He wasn’t a perfect man, but he was leader of Israel, and for that, honor was due.

Who can we honor in our lives today?

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