
April 29

Luke 22:1-30

In verse 28, Jesus is soon to be crucified, the disciples are arguing about who is greatest, and Jesus says “you are those who have continued with Me in My trials.” These same men that were arguing about position are the same men who were tortured, imprisoned, or martyred for the sake of Christ. These men were willing to die for the cause of Christ, and most of them did. They were true servants who paid the price to lay down their lives for the Gospel.

2 Samuel 21-22

David knew there was a reason why there was a famine, because otherwise, God would be providing for His people. David went to God about it, and God answered. He told David the reason why the people are suffering from a famine was because Saul’s house killed the Gibeonites. Remember, years before, Joshua was deceived and gave his oath to protect the Gibeonites, and the Gibeonites served Israel.

Once David knew of the sin, he went to correct it. He went to the Gibeonites to ask for their forgiveness, to make it right, and to ask them to bless Israel. This reminds me of the New Testament Scripture in Matthew 5:23-24, “23 Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” If we have done something wrong to someone else, it will affect our relationship with God. That was true under the old covenant. Is that true under the new covenant? It is a spiritual principle of sin and forgiveness, so yes. If we have done something to sin against another person, it is vital for our relationship with God and our blessing, our receiving from God, to make it right with the person(s).

In this situation in 2 Samuel 21, Saul had killed many people. In order to make it right with the Gibeonites, they asked for seven of Saul’s descendants to be hanged. David agreed, and restitution was made. In verse 14 it says, “And after that God heeded the prayer for the land.” God is love, and to take a step out of love is to take a step into sin. It matters how we treat one another!

In chapter 22, David writes and sings a song that is inspired by the Holy Spirit, written down, and now part of the Bible. In the song, David gives a message of humility and dependent faith on God. He praises God for hearing and answering his prayer.

God removed the famine from Israel when a wrong was made right. In this situation, David was righting a wrong made by someone that was in the position of being the king of Israel before he was. In order for there to be healing in relationships, sometimes we have to address the offenses people carry from other churches, other people, or other authority. Let’s work together to bring healing and restoration of the hurts we or others may have caused a son or daughter that God loves.

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