
August 13

Romans 12

Did you know God has given you something specific to do in His kingdom? Yes, and that gift is not meant to work alone, but to come together with other gifts to make up the church. We are to respect the differences in gifts and come together to operate as one church, one kingdom, one body. Romans 12:3 describes having a measure of faith, and then describes each person having a different gift to offer the body of Christ. The definition for the Greek word “measure” describes a limited portion. Verse 3 also says we are not to think more highly of ourselves that we ought to think, going on to say in verses 4-6 that there are many parts that make up one body, referring our portioned gift in relationship with other gifts. In verses 9-18 it addresses living in harmony and at peace with one another. Our measure of faith is describing our part of surrendered obedience to do our part in the church. It’s more than a gift; it’s a responsibility to yield our gift in faith to the Lord’s work and to one another. We can also read about our gift portions In Ephesians 4:7 it says, “But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.” Then Ephesians 4 goes on to describe various gifts that make up Christ’s body and how we are to respect one another and work together with one another.

Psalm 96-98

You have a voice. How are you using that voice? You can use your voice to share your story, your thoughts, your feelings. Your voice can also be used to tell of the goodness of God. When an addict is set free, when the sick is miraculously healed, when those in lack receive an abundant supply, when someone dead in sin experiences new life, there is a JOY that needs to be expressed! His JOY motivates us to make some noise. Psalm 98:4 says to make a joyful noise. It also says to make a loud noise. This kind of joy makes us want to SHOUT His praise. Have you experienced that kind of joy? If not, ask God to reveal Himself to you in a deeper way so you can know that kind of joy. It’s for you!

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July 26

Acts 26 Paul speaks to Agrippa in answer to the accusations against him. He gives his testimony of his supernatural encounter. In response to his story, Festus, who does not know God, shouts loudly, “PAUL,...
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July 25

Acts 25 Festus travels to Caesarea in Judea, where Paul is imprisoned. The Jews approach Festus as their new leader, since Felix didn’t do anything, and urged him to move Paul to Jerusalem. They had...
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July 24

Acts 24 Paul stood before a Roman commander, then the Sanhedrin, and now Felix. The Jews accused Paul, then Felix gave Paul permission to bring a defense. Felix’s wife, Druscilla, was Jewish, and Felix had...
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