
December 31

Revelation 22

There is a river of life that comes from the throne of God. There is a tree of life with twelve fruits, one for each tribe, and one for each month. The leaves of the tree are for healing. There is no more curse, only blessing that comes from the presence of the Lord. It is always light, with no need for sleep. We won’t feel tired anymore.

Verse 4, “They shall see His face.” Wow, that will be the day! His name will be on our foreheads, indicative that we belong to Him.

Verse 7, Jesus says He is coming quickly, perhaps it doesn’t seem quick to us, but to Him and for His kingdom purpose, the time is short. In verse 12, Jesus says it again, “I am coming quickly,” reminding us that He will reward us according to our works. He’s not condemning us; He’s got the sins of the Christian under His blood, forgotten.

Verse 29, again Jesus says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” I don’t think Jesus wants us to be idle. I think Jesus wants us to prioritize Him and His agenda. Eternity is in the balance. Let’s all be busy about our Father’s business.

May our response be the same, “Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”


Malachi is an Old Testament prophet who delivers rebukes and exhortations, starting his writing with the mercy of God. He writes of polluted offerings, corrupt priests, and sinful behaviors.

Chapters 3 and 4 describe preparation for the second coming of the Lord. In chapter 3:1, Malachi prophesies a coming messenger that will prepare for the way of the Lord, and in chapter 4:5-6 mentions Elijah the prophet, who we know to be John the Baptist (Matthew 11:14). We know John prepared for Christ’s ministry when He was first on the earth. We also know that there will be prophets proclaiming and preparing for His second coming, specifically the two witnesses.

Sandwiched in chapter 3 is God challenging the people to bring in their tithes and offerings,
saying they are robbing Him by not bringing them in. When people neglect to give to the house of God, they hinder kingdom service. It’s sad, but true. Imagine what God can do in your local church if everyone returned God’s ten percent of their income? God will bless those who put Him and His kingdom before themselves.

In 4:2, the prophecy talks about the Sun of Righteousness rising with healing in His wings. This Hebrew word for wings can also be translated “fringe” like the edge of a garment. It can also be used for the feathers of a bird, the edges. When comparing to a sun, it probably means the rays of the sun, illustrative that God is able to reach even to the edges with the anointing that comes from receiving His righteousness.

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