Mark 1:23-45
In verses 29-31, Mark wrote about Peter’s mother-in-law’s healing, writing that her fever “immediately” left her. Mark used the word “immediately” forty-two times in his book, more than all the New Testament combined. Her healing was instantaneous and complete! She was sick one moment and fully healed the next, getting up and serving her guests!
Mark also writes about healing after the Sabbath sunset, preaching in Galilee, and the cleansing of a leper. Mark wrote the leprosy “immediately” left the man.
Try to notice the word “Immediately” as we read through the rest of Mark.
Leviticus 24-25
The Lord gives instruction to Moses concerning care of the tabernacle lamps, the bread of the tabernacle, penalty for blasphemies, the sabbath of the seventh year, the year of jubilee, provisions for the seventh year, redemption of property, lending to the poor, law concerning slavery.
In chapter 24, an Israelite woman’s son with an Egyptian father blasphemed the Lord. I imagine the mention of the Egyptian father was an indicator of influence of other religions. The Lord had not given a law on blasphemy yet, so the people put the blasphemer in custody until they heard from the Lord. God told them to execute the man through stoning. This was also a lesson to people that no one was to blaspheme the Lord.
In chapter 25:8, we read about the year of Jubilee, the year after 7 years times 7 (49 years). In a Jubilee year, debts were forgiven and slaves went free. It was a year of liberty, freedom! Isaiah 61:2 is a Scripture that references Leviticus 25:10 about proclaiming liberty to the captives. Jesus quotes from Isaiah 61:2 in Luke 4:19 when He mentions proclaiming the acceptable year of the Lord. The Jubilee was a foreshadow of Christ, the Messiah, coming to bring liberty.
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