
July 16

Acts 19:21-41

Paul’s ministry was hurting the idol-making business. People in Ephesus were receiving Jesus Christ and doing away with idols. A silversmith named Demetrius was upset about his financial loss, so he gathered together others in the same occupation and started a riot against Paul.

We should not be shocked when someone opposes us for Christ’s sake. That doesn’t mean we should be a jerk and instigate opposition. It’s not a mark of achievement to be at odds with someone far from God. It’s nothing to brag about to enter into a debate with someone who doesn’t share our experience or understanding. Self-centered, attention-getting, antagonistic promptings only show the heart of the legalistic, arrogant, shallow believer.

A mature Christian doesn’t antagonize the unbeliever, but strives to persuade with meekness.
The mature Christian doesn’t exploit the lost, but works to rescue with mercy.
The mature Christian doesn’t start a fight; the mature Christian will try to be understood in humility.

Psalm 19-21

In Psalm 19, David writes of God’s creation and His Word that show us His greatness. The humble response of faith to greatness says, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.”

Apostle Paul quotes from verse 4 in Romans 10:18 when addressing Jews who reject the truth instead of humbly receiving it and applying it to their lives.

Psalm 20 is another psalm that reveals David’s position of faith, a man dependent upon God for help. In verse 7 he writes, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” Today, is our country’s trust in our weapons, our military might, our technology? Does our nation, generally speaking, put its trust in the Lord? Do we humble ourselves before Him and request His help? Do we look to Him to guide us in justice, to know what is right or wrong in His eyes? Do we develop curriculum so our children to know Him as their Creator?

On a personal level, what do we trust in? Do we trust in our wealth? Our jobs? Our bank accounts and money markets? Do we trust in our friends, our family, our fellow man? Do we look to our spiritual leaders to be our answer for politics, to set the moral standard for our culture, or to dominate the world’s system? It’s a good time to introspect our own hearts, because our trust needs to be in God and God alone, especially in the days we are facing and in the days ahead.

In verse 9, King David says, “Save, Lord! May the KING answer us when we call.” David wasn’t referring to himself or to a human throne. David was pointing to the King, the Messiah, the Redeemer! Let’s put our trust in Him and Him alone!

Psalm 21 is a song of joy for the king, a song of victory from the Lord. We could easily see a type of Jesus here, our coming King. This psalm also speaks of the wrath of God when He consumes His enemies, which God has both then and has now and will have in the days to come. The wise man or woman will exalt the Lord, not himself or herself. We certainly can apply the reverence for God in our lives today.

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