
July 2

Acts 10:24-48

In verse 34, Peter says, “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality.” Peter is coming to a realization that the new covenant has been opened up to Gentiles. This is a big shift in thinking for this devote Jew, but Peter is willing to obey God and to take the Gospel beyond his own people. After preaching, the uncircumcised Gentiles are saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, and speak in tongues. The group was water baptized and spent a few days with Peter, learning from him. Like a vine, Christianity continues to reach out, get rooted, and spread.

Job 23-25

In Job 23, Job ignores his friends and directs his response to the Lord. He expresses his love for God. He acknowledges that God is righteous, and God’s heart for him (verse 6).

In Job 24, Job speaks of the violence in the earth, yet God is greater than they. In job 25, Bildad asks how a human being can be righteous.

This book was written thousands of years ago, but many of the questions and assumptions we have now are the same as we find in Job. Jesus is the one who answers many of our questions for the world today.

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September 9

2 Corinthians 1 God has a comfort for the hurting soul that no one else can supply. God made the soul, He understands the soul, and He alone can provide what is necessary to make...
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September 10

2 Corinthians 2 When the purpose of correction is to teach, discipline will be followed up with love, forgiveness, and restoration. This is Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians. In the first letter he mentions...
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September 11

2 Corinthians 3 The glory of God describes the splendor and majesty of God, a glory so great that human flesh cannot see God’s actual face and live to talk about it. God’s glory is...
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