
June 1

John 12:20-50

In verses 20-26 describes a spiritual principle of increase through dying to self. Jesus would physically and spiritually die, and we enter into His death when we surrender to Him, dying to our own self-sufficiency, self-centeredness, and self-promotion. Our surrender is a welcome to God’s grace, a grace that takes us over and above our limited ability and resources. A new life is experienced and shared in love and power!

In verses 27-36, Jesus predicts His death on a cross. He spoke of the specific death of crucifixion, being lifted up from the earth. Being lifted up was taking on a curse because only things of value had weight to them. To lift Him off of the ground was despising Him.

In verses 37-50, Jesus puts the burden of guilt on the people who made the choice not to believe on Him and in Him. Jesus performed many signs and wonders for them. They could have chosen to honor Him and surrender to Him. They could have chosen to embrace His kingdom and serve in expanding it. However, they chose to reject Him and reject His ministry. Was Jesus to blame for their choices? No, He did what the Father told Him to do.

Today people are making the same choices – some are accepting Christ, and some are rejecting Christ. Are Christians to blame? – not the ones who are doing what God called them to do. It’s easy for some to point their finger at a Christian or a church leader and say, “You aren’t doing what I think you should be doing in the way I think you should be doing it.” However, each person is responsible to stand before God for completing the plan and purpose God has for him or her. It’s not for someone else to judge God’s servant.

2 Chronicles 4-6

Chapter 4 gives records to the furnishings of the temple. Chapter 5 records the ark being brought into the temple. Chapter 6 records Solomon’s prayer of dedication.

In chapter 5, the Bible records the glory of the Lord, causing the priests to fall down to the ground. Sometimes in church services, we experience the tangible power of God that causes people to fall. It sometimes happens when the supernatural and natural come together. It doesn’t mean that one person is receiving more than another person, nor does it always confirm a miracle will take place. It is simply a reaction to the anointing of God.

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September 10

2 Corinthians 2 When the purpose of correction is to teach, discipline will be followed up with love, forgiveness, and restoration. This is Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians. In the first letter he mentions...
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September 11

2 Corinthians 3 The glory of God describes the splendor and majesty of God, a glory so great that human flesh cannot see God’s actual face and live to talk about it. God’s glory is...
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