
June 16

Acts 2:1-13

On the Feast of Pentecost, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit. The plan to fill each believer with His Spirit was in the mind of God back with the Feast was instituted, knowing that one day, this Feast of Pentecost will be fulfilled on this day in Jerusalem.

The people who first received this infilling were the 120 who were gathered together in the upper room. They were believers, Christians. They were in unity through much prayer, sharing the common goal of waiting together as the Lord instructed.

There were manifestations of the Spirit’s outpouring. There was the sound of wind. There was the sound of people speaking in unknown languages. There was the sight of flames of fire over the head of each person.

The people around the house also heard the sound, which drew them to the house. When they got there they saw this group of 120 speaking in foreign languages, and each one, drawn from all over the areas of Rome, heard Galileans speaking about wonderful works of God in their own language. They wondered at this happening, where Galileans were speaking in a language they did not know, but a language they could understand. It was miraculous, beyond human ability. They were all amazed, marveling at what was happening.

Some recognized this event on Pentecost was unusual and had meaning. Others mocked the 120, saying they were drunk. These weren’t just unbelievers mocking the Spirit-filled Christians – they were fellow brothers and sisters mocking the Spirit-filled Christian. They heard the sound of the wind coming from the house, but did they look to God? No. They heard Galileans being able to speak in their language. Did they believe it was miraculous? No. If that was the case on the day of Pentecost, then you can be sure it will be the case today. Are their Christians who have made fun of spiritual manifestations today? Yes. Many Christians will live and die in this lifetime and miss out on the move of the Spirit of God.

Are some manifestations not from the Holy Spirit, but an emotional manifestation of a person’s soul? Could that be a fake manifestation, not a real work of God? Yes, those soul issues do happen, but it doesn’t mean we should throw out what is real.

Are some manifestations not from the Holy Spirit, but something demonic? Yes, demons have been known to counterfeit a move of the Holy Spirit, but that also should not cause us to throw out what is real.

The Holy Spirit was given on the Day of Pentecost, but that wasn’t the only time someone was baptized in the Spirit and spoke in unknown tongues. We read about it through Acts, Romans, Corinthians, and Jude. We hear of it today. This baptism of the Holy Spirit and praying in the spirit (speaking in tongues) is for now. God’s power can and should be experienced by the modern day believer. When God’s power manifests, what if you see something unusual? What if someone can’t stand up because the power of God is so strong? What if someone shakes or trembles under the power of God? Are you going to recognize a move of the Spirit or will you mock it?

What if it’s something not from God – like an emotional hype or a demon? Learn to discern. Be in a safe place where you can trust your pastor or the minister. Study the Bible so if something is in error, you will recognize it. Experience the Spirit in your personal time with God so you can recognize Him.

We want what is real. We want the miraculous. We want God to move in our lives. Let’s seek God, let’s have discernment, and let’s see the kingdom of God move forward!

Nehemiah 1-3

In Hebrew Scripture, the books of Nehemiah and Ezra were one work. Many scholars consider this book to be written by Ezra and named after the main character, Nehemiah. Others believe the author is Nehemiah himself. The book of Nehemiah is a sequel to Ezra, continuing the work of restoring the temple and city of Jerusalem. The history found in Ezra and Nehemiah is 110 years.

Nehemiah started as a cupbearer for King Artaxerxes. He later served twice as governor of Judea. Nehemiah began building the walls of the city 13 years after Ezra’s work.

The prophet Malachi may have been ministering during the time of Nehemiah, working together to see God’s plan accomplished. During the 400 years between the testaments, we see that the Jews were faithful to temple worship.

In chapters 1-3, Nehemiah goes from exile to Jerusalem to build the walls. He prays for the people, he goes to Judah, he sees and assesses the condition of Jerusalem, and he makes plans and motivates workers to rebuild the walls.

There are times when God does a work to rebuild us. Maybe we have been through trauma, lived through dysfunction, believed lies that were spoken over us, or lived without knowledge, and those areas of our lives were destroyed. God can heal and restore. God can make us stronger that we ever were before. And who gets recognized for the work? God does! He can be seen and glorified in and through our lives. Let’s help the world see His love by sharing our stories of restoration and rebuilding!

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