
March 12

Mark 14:1-25

Right before the Passover feast, the Jewish priests and scribes met to plot against Jesus. I’m sure they felt justified in their actions, feeling they were right and Jesus was a blasphemous, demonized cult leader. Have you ever had people meet behind your back to plot how they can destroy or stop your ministry? Your business? Your relationships? Perhaps they feel justified. Hey- if it happened to Jesus and it’s happened to you, you are in good company! If you step out to do something great for Christ, more than likely, you are going to have some kind of friction both from the world and from Christians who have a different opinion. And don’t forget – we have an enemy that really wants to keep the Christian from fulfilling their kingdom destiny. Concerning Jesus, the scribes and priests could never stop Christ’s calling, and no matter what persecution the Christian may face, from criticism to martyrdom, no one can stop the move of God. These religious leaders did not take Jesus’ life. He willingly laid it down.

In verse 5, we read that the woman who anointed Jesus was sharply criticized for wasting money. However, she had insight and revelation knowledge that He would be dying soon, and she wanted to do what she could for her Master (verse 8). Some, if not all, of Jesus’ twelve disciples did not have that revelation. They didn’t perceive that Jesus would die and rise again, even after He told them over and over again.

In verses 10 and 11, we see that Judas went to the chief priests to betray Jesus. We believe Judas’ motive was financial gain. The priests agreed to pay Judas in exchange for information for an opportune and private moment in which to take Him. The priests knew Jesus was admired by many, and feared trying to take Jesus publicly.

In verses 12-25, Jesus and the disciples celebrate Passover and take the meal together. The Passover feast celebrated the final plague that released the Hebrew slaves from Pharaoh, the death of the firstborn Son. Jesus was God’s firstborn Son, carried and birthed by a virgin. In Isaiah 7:14, the word used to describe the birth of Emmanuel (meaning God with us) is a Hebrew word used to describe a virgin (Parthenos). If a Jew knew the Scripture and sought God from a humble heart, he or she could receive revelation that Jesus was the Son of God, birthed into the earth, to become the Lamb for our sacrifice. The disciples were in the same room, eating the Passover meal with the One the Passover was all about. The covenant meal where two or more parties ingest food and wine, signifying the taking in of a union and becoming one, but also symbolic of Jesus’ body and blood.

When we take communion today, we are honoring Jesus as the sacrificial lamb, the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world!

Deuteronomy 17-19

In chapter 17, God gives instruction to governing kings on how they were to use their power and authority. They were not to use their position to multiply wealth for selfish gain.

In chapter 18, God gives instruction for the portion that belongs to the priests and Levites. The people were to provide the needs of those who cared for the tabernacle and did the ministry to the Lord. Today, it is the responsibility of each person to give tithes and offerings so the needs of their church and its leaders are met. If a person does not obey God to return His ten percent and give offerings, they are guilty before God, limiting the resources the local church and constricting the work God can do through it and its leaders.

In Deuteronomy 18:15, Moses says that God will raise up a Prophet like himself. There were many prophets that came along after Moses, but this verse is prophetic of Jesus. In Acts 3:22-23, Peter quotes this verse and shares the fulfillment in Christ. Stephen also quotes it in Acts 7:37.

Moses goes on to say how you will know if a prophet actually speaking for God. It’s simple really. If the thing spoken does not happen, then the Lord did not actually speak. Today, false prophecies seem to happen regularly, unfortunately. Often sincere people want to believe the prophecy was supernaturally from God, but when it’s not, then excuses or explanations are made instead of recognizing the person is falsely prophesying. That’s a dangerous thing for the false prophet as well as for the one who doesn’t discern between what is right and wrong. People often are hungry and seek for something from God to hold onto for hope. When a prophecy is false, either the person confused their desire for God’s desire, or the person needs money and support and is “working people.” Let’s be careful what we take as truth. If there is consistent error, that should send up a red flag. We want to believe the best, especially when that person is well known; however, in the last days we ask God for discernment on who gets our ear and our pocketbook.

In chapter 19, the Lord gives three refuge cities for those in trouble. He also gives property boundaries and a law concerning witnesses.

Let’s be thankful for the Word of God and treasure it above anything else!

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