
March 21

Luke 2:1-24

The Messiah would be welcomed and worshipped by shepherds after their supernatural encounter with angels. When Jesus was eight days old, He was circumcised, a sign of covenant. Every male who opened the womb was called holy the Lord, set apart for His purpose, so the baby Jesus was presented in the temple and an offering was made to God.

Joshua 4-6

God knows if an older generation fails to lead a younger generation to revere the Lord, those younger people will not have the knowledge or experience to know the life and blessings of God, nor will they continue with God’s plan for their nation to make God known in the earth.

In chapter 4, the Israelites are instructed to build a memorial of 12 tribes to represent the 12 tribes of their nation as a reminder to their children and to the people around them that the hand of God, His power or anointing, is mighty and should be respected.

In chapter 5, verse 9, the Lord said to Joshua, “THIS DAY I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you.” This was the day that Joshua had all the males circumcised as acceptance and commitment to their blood covenant with the Lord. The Hebrew word for “rolled away” is galal, and it means to roll or to remove. The picture is of a camel kneeling down to roll the load off of its back.

In verse 12, the Lord stops sending the manna. The manna was a supernatural sustenance while Israel was in a desert place. Now that they would eat from Canaan’s land, the manna was no longer necessary. God provided what they needed when they needed it! He will do the same for anyone who relies on Him.

In verse 13, before Joshua leads the army of Israel to battle, Joshua sees the Commander of the army of the Lord. The messenger’s sword was drawn. Joshua had a private glimpse into the spirit, giving Him confidence that he had help in this battle at Jericho.

In chapter 6, God gave specific instruction to the Hebrews on what to do at Jericho. God wanted their reliance and obedience. As they obeyed, even if it didn’t make sense, the Israelites had learned to lean on God for His supernatural and miraculous help. We all should learn this lesson and continue to apply it throughout our lives.

In verse 16, the people were instructed to shout. It was not a suggestion; it was a command. Sometimes we have to shout to declare God’s will in a circumstance. The city had been given to Israel by the Lord. God knew about Rahab; He knew she was a prostitute, and He wanted her saved because of her faith. He has done the same for us, for while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

On the seventh day there was a shout and the blowing of a trumpet. They won the victory! We too will experience victory when Jesus comes for us with a shout and a trumpet blast! What a day that will be!

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