
March 4

Mark 10:1-31

When Jesus crossed the Jordan, a whole new group of people came to Him for ministry. He taught them, which He often would do.

The Pharisees also came out, but they did not come to listen to His teaching; they came to test His teaching. Sometimes we should close our mouths and listen with our ears instead of closing our ears and opening our mouths. They questioned Jesus on divorce, which we also read in Matthew 5 (for commentary, please see notes on January 6).

In verse 13, parents were bringing their infants to Jesus, looking to Him to bless their children. He would lay His hands on them, speak a blessing, and impart the anointing. Through physical contact, a transfer of power would occur. This is a Scriptural basis for why we dedicate our infants and children in church. We lay our hands on them, speak a blessing, and believe God for His anointing to edify those children.

In verse 17, Jesus was approached by a young ruler that possessed a lot of wealth. The young man inquired of Christ how he could inherit, or gain, eternal life. Jesus spoke to the man about the commandments, and the man replied, “I know them and I’ve lived by them all by life (paraphrased).” Jesus told the man that he lacked one thing. This man wanted to experience the life of God, but there was something he still needed to do. Jesus perceived this man loved and relied on his riches. Jesus told the man to sell everything and give it away to the poor, people that the man couldn’t benefit from. Jesus promised treasures in heaven. Jesus, the Messiah, personally invited the man to surrender his life and become a follower of Christ. He walked away from that invitation.

In verse 23, Jesus talks about how hard it can be for someone who TRUSTS in great wealth to enter into the kingdom. This is a faith issues, a reliance issue. In verse 28, Peter says, “We’ve left it all,” and Jesus reassures Peter that there is a reward on earth and in heaven for the sacrifices made for Christ. So be encouraged when you give your money to the Lord’s work- God notices, and God rewards!

Numbers 32-33

In chapter 22, Israel has not entered into the promised land yet. The tribes of Gad and Reuben asked to settle on the east side of the Jordan River. They didn’t want to fight. Moses said in verse 6, “… shall your brethren go to war while you sit here?” In verse 7, Moses expresses concern that their decision not to go to war will discourage the others from possessing their Promised Land.

Moses refers back forty years when their fathers refused to rely on God and take action to take the promise. In verse 14, Moses says, “And look! You have risen in your father’s place, a brood of sinful men, to increase still more the fierce anger of the LORD against Israel.” The tribes promised to help fight and then return to the land east of the Jordan.

Verse 23 says, “be sure your sin will find you out.” That doesn’t mean that their sin would be exposed, but that they will reap what they sow. If they don’t obey, they will suffer the consequences.

In chapter 33, the journeys of the Israelites is reviewed and Moses writes it down. In verse 50, the Lord gives instruction to Moses for the conquest of Canaan. They are to drive out the inhabitants, inhabitants that were enemies of God, and they were to destroy their idol worship. Then they were to possess it, live in it, make it their own. If they did not drive out the rebellious people, then God said He will do to the Israelites what He had planned for the rebellious.

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