
May 22

John 8:21-36

In verse 29, Jesus says, “I always do those things that please Him (the Father).” Jesus lived a life of dependent faith, just as we are required to do. In verse 28 He says, “I do nothing of Myself.” What an incredible thought!

Jesus also said, “as My Father taught Me, I speak these things.” Then in verse 31, Jesus continued to speak about TRUTH and WORDS. Just as Jesus follows the Father, He asks His disciples to follow Him, listening and applying His WORDS.

Words are powerful, and whether they contain life or death, they can accomplish big things. God’s words contain His life. They are more than syllables and sounds – God’s words come from His heart and ride on the breath of His Spirit. When God’s heart is communicated, and we receive His words; we received HIM. When we receive Him, we receive what is true and upright and life-giving. There is freedom from sin and bondage in knowing Him and His truth, and applying it – letting Him and His words become a part of us.

When questioned about freedom, Jesus responds, “whoever commits sin is a slave to sin.” He talks about a slave being in the house (religion), but eventually that servant moves on. It’s not his house; he only works in that house. A SON has ownership in the house, and we have an inheritance with God through Jesus Christ. Everything that belongs to HIM, belongs to US as sons and daughters of God. When we receive God and His Word and live them, we are His and FREE from sin and sin’s bondages. If the SON, JESUS CHRIST, makes you FREE with Him, born into the family of God, you are truly FREE as a son or daughter of God yourself. Hallelujah!

1 Chronicles 6-7

1 and 2 Chronicles were once one book. According to the tradition of the Jewish Talmud, Ezra is the author. Ezra was both a scribe and a priest. In verses 6 and 7, we read more records of the tribes of Israel. In 1 Chronicles 6:21-32, we read about musicians who were appointed over the service of song in the house of the Lord, both in the tabernacle and in the temple. Levites were also appointed to serve in God’s house. The people honored the servants of the house of God, participating and giving to the place where they could worship, prayer, and learn the Word together.

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September 10

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September 11

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