
May 25

John 9:24-41

The Pharisees bring back the man who was healed from blindness. They told the man they could agree that God healed him, but not through Jesus Christ, saying He was a sinner. They continue to question the healed man, and he does talk back with the Pharisees, stating that Jesus could not have done such a miracle without God. They cast him out, not just that day, but an excommunication from the synagogue for believing Jesus was from God.

In verses 35-41, Jesus finds the man and makes sure he knows who He is, and the man believes Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus then speaks of spiritual blindness and spiritual sight. Pharisees were near and asked, “Are we blind also?” Jesus addresses the Pharisees who were not only void of understanding, but false shepherds. They were in leadership positions in the synagogue, saying they had knowledge and understanding, but keeping people at a distance from life in God through Christ.

1 Chronicles 14-16

David is established as king. He brings the ark to Jerusalem, then gives thanks to the Lord through a song. Regular worship is put into place.

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July 26

Acts 26 Paul speaks to Agrippa in answer to the accusations against him. He gives his testimony of his supernatural encounter. In response to his story, Festus, who does not know God, shouts loudly, “PAUL,...
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July 25

Acts 25 Festus travels to Caesarea in Judea, where Paul is imprisoned. The Jews approach Festus as their new leader, since Felix didn’t do anything, and urged him to move Paul to Jerusalem. They had...
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July 24

Acts 24 Paul stood before a Roman commander, then the Sanhedrin, and now Felix. The Jews accused Paul, then Felix gave Paul permission to bring a defense. Felix’s wife, Druscilla, was Jewish, and Felix had...
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