
May 26

John 10:1-21

Chapter 10 is a continuation in the conversation in chapter 9 with the Pharisees. In chapter 9, Jesus told the Pharisees they were failing at good leadership. He then speaks about Himself as the true shepherd of the sheep. He referred to the Pharisees as a thief and a robber, coming into the sheepfold through another entrance other than the door of the sheepfold.

The sheep hear the voice of their shepherd and come to Him when He calls them by name. Sheep only come when their shepherd call. If someone else were to try to call the sheep, the would not come to him or her. Jesus was saying that if someone knew Him as the Christ, they would be able to hear His voice and comprehend what He was saying.

The thief and robber was trying to steal sheep away from the shepherd. The thief came to steal, kill, and destroy. We know that Satan wants to harm us, but we also know that religious, controlling authorities can also attempt to steal, kill, and destroy the people of God. Jesus came to give us abundant life! Religious people don’t have that freedom, and they don’t like when others have that freedom.

In verse 11, Jesus then talks about how a hireling will run when the enemy attacks, not caring about the sheep. The hireling is only there for personal gain. Jesus, however, will lay His life down for the sheep.

In verse 16, Jesus says, “And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd.” This is Jesus speaking of Gentiles and a time of gathering them, and eventually bringing us all together as His followers.

Many of the Jews did not understand what Jesus was saying, and said Jesus either had a demon or was crazy. Others said that no one that could heal the blind could have a demon, referring to the man healed in John 9.

1 Chronicles 17-19

God’s covenant with David is recorded in chapter 17. God promises not to take away His mercy from David, and God kept His promise, keeping David and his family on the throne, despite David’s sin.

Chapter 18 contains records of David’s conquests and chapter 19 records the defeat of the Ammonites and Syrians.

I Chronicles 18:6 and 13 say that the Lord preserved David wherever he went. David did not die in battle because the Lord protected him – a supernatural preservation.

In 1 Chronicles 18:11, David acquired treasures in battle, then he dedicated those treasures to the Lord. God used David to collect materials that his son, Solomon, would use in the building and furnishing of the temple.

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