Luke 24:1-35
In verse 4, the Bible says two men in shining garments stood by the women at the empty tomb. The Greek word for shining is astrapto, which comes from the root aster, meaning a star. Astrapto means “to light up.” The only other time we see this word in the Bible is in Luke 17:24, speaking of lightning. Light was radiating from the clothing of these two men. Compare this verse with Matthew 28:3, which says the angel’s countenance was like “lighting” and his clothing as white as snow.”
When Jesus was transfigured on the mountain in front of a few of His disciples, his clothing became a dazzling white and his face had become radiant (Matthew 17:2; Mark 9:3, Luke 9:29).
Moses, when in the presence of God, came out with his face shining, radiating light, so much so that he had to put a veil over his face because it was too bright for those looking on (Exodus 34:27-35; 2 Corinthians 3:12-18). Paul uses this happening to describe a spiritual darkness that veils the heart from understanding spiritual truth. Revelation knowledge uncovers those mysteries. It is a work of the Holy Spirit.
In Psalm 34:5 it says they looked to God and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed, or hidden, covered. The Hebrew word for radiant is naha, meaning “shine, bean, light, burn.” It is a primitive root meaning “to sparkle.” Figuratively it describes the dancing light off of a running stream, giving the idea of flowing light, sparkling light. It also gives the idea of streams coming together.
In Acts 10:30, Cornelius said that while in prayer, a man appeared to him in shining garments. The Greek word for shining is lampros. It comes from the root lampas meaning “lamp, a flame which is fed with oil, or torch.” Lampros means “shining, bright, brilliant, clear or transparent, splendid, magnificent.”
In Revelation, there are several times that it is mentioned the saints will be clothed in white. It mentions angels in white. The Greek word for white in Revelation 3:4-5, 18 is leukos. It comes from the root luke, meaning “light.” Leukos means “light, bright, brilliant.” It means, “brilliant from whiteness, dazzling (or shining) white. It also describes the glory cloud we read about in the Bible, a covering of radiant light. We also read of these white light horses and the throne of God (see also Revelation 4:4, 6:2, 6:11, 7:9, 7:13, 14:14, 19:11, 19:14, 20:11).
This word is also used in Revelation 1:14 when describing the Christ – His head was this radiant with this white light. It is the glory of God. It’s the glory for which we were made. In describing God the Father, Daniel describes His vesture as white snow.
Some believe that Adam and Eve were once covered in these white, shining robes. When they sinned, the garments were removed and they were naked, without the shining garment.
In speaking of the end times, Isaiah 60 is a chapter telling Israel to arise and shine. Why? Because her light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen on her. The word for shine in Hebrew is or, meaning to become light, or to be light, to give off a light. To be illuminated. When it is time for Israel to shine, people from all over the world will come to her.
In Isaiah 60:5 The word for their radiance is nahar, meaning to flow together. Then it mentions the sea turning to Israel, or people gathering together, sparkling together. Jews and Gentiles will come together and sparkle.
In Revelaton 21:23, we see that Jerusalem will have no need for the sun or the moon, because God will dwell there and His glory will give it light.
We were created for so much more than this natural world can portray.
1 Kings 10-11
The queen of Sheba (from Ethiopia) was a leader who wanted to meet another leader. Leaders should do that often. No one understands the perspective of a leader like a leader. Not everyone thinks like a leader, and even if they think they do, because only experience can give the understanding of what leadership is like.
The queen had heard of Solomon, his wisdom, and his wealth. She wanted to witness it for herself. She wanted to hear with her ears and see with her eyes. She was someone who wanted to learn, someone who wanted to lead well.
The queen was a pagan, yet news of Solomon turned her attention to Israel. In Israel, she saw the temple and heard about Jehovah. She even praises the Lord who made Solomon the king. We, too, should be a reason for people to hear about the Lord, acknowledge His existence and power, and hopefully lead people to a relationship with God as well.
The queen was a woman that led a nation. Women leaders are the minority of leaders mentioned in the Bible, yet a few are mentioned in Scripture. God is not opposed to women in leadership positions.
There was “no more spirit” in the queen of Sheba after viewing Solomon’s home, meaning, “it took her breath away.” She was amazed at what she saw. She also met with Solomon and quizzed him, finding him to be extremely wise.
Solomon was generous with the queen. He has more than enough to share with another leader. Ethiopian history claims that the queen had a son by Solomon, but we don’t find that in Scripture.
Why did the kingdom split?
In chapter 11, we read that Solomon’s heart eventually turns away from the Lord. He had 700 wives and 300 concubines. First of all, in Genesis, we see God’s design for one woman to be with one man. Second, many of these women were pagans, and they were influential in Solomon’s choice to stray away from his faith.
God had a covenant with David. The Lord was angry with Solomon and would have taken the entire kingdom away from him; however, because of the covenant with David, God would allow the Davidic line to have one tribe, the tribe of Judah, the tribe that anointed David as king. God would also leave a second tribe for the sake of Jerusalem- the city God chose for Himself. Also, because of David, God would not take away the kingdom from Solomon, but from Solomon’s son, Rehoboam. However, God did cause Solomon to be troubled by an adversary.
Would God ever do something like this to a sinning leader under the new covenant? Certainly, especially if He was trying to turn the heart of the leader. Sin always will bring trouble. If not for the mercy of God, there would be no help for any of us.
Then, from his own house, Solomon’s servant, Jeroboam, rebels against the king. This is part of God’s plan to take ten tribes away from Solomon and his descendants because of his sin.
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