
November 6

Hebrews 3

Chapter 3 is about being faithful. Christ was faithful to God who called Him. Moses was faithful to the Lord in his calling. Now the writer asks the Christian to be faithful as well, being on guard for unfaithfulness and rebellion. In verse 13 it says to “exhort one another daily,” or to build each other up. The purpose? “lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” What can we glean from verse 13?

We all should be exhorting one another – gathering together, calling one another, visiting each other to encourage one another in faith.
Sin is deceitful and anyone can be tricked into it. We should humble ourselves and stay away from the idea that we’re above being deceived. If we’re humble, we’ll be in a surrendered position where the Holy Spirit can keep us aware and strengthened. For some, they may feel confident they would never murder someone, but pride can blind a Christian from seeing God’s best for their life. We don’t want to miss it!
Sin hardens a person. A tender heart is a heart God can work in and work through. When someone gets hard, they get stiff and closed up. They get self-centered, self-sufficient, and self-righteous. We don’t want to get to this place.

Who can you encourage today? Reach out and build someone else up. God will bless you in the process!

Jeremiah 43-45

It is important that we obey the Lord, even when the times we live in are troubling.

God spoke plainly through Jeremiah that the Hebrews were to surrender and go into captivity to Babylon. However, some tried to flee to Egypt, taking Jeremiah with them. As a result, God prophesies that Nebuchadnezzer would come and destroy Egypt.

Remember, even in uncertain days, God is in control. Trust Him.

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