
October 6

Philippians 2

In chapter 1 Paul wrote that he hopes to find the church family, “…standing firm in united spirit and purpose, striving side by side and contending with a single mind for the faith… (verse 27)” In chapter 2, Paul speaks further on the importance of unity and sticking together as a church family. Paul mentions several things that will break up church family relationships, which applies to us today as well (taken from the Amplified version): One, pride. Two, self-centeredness. Three, divided purpose and factional motives. Four, contention, strife. Five, dishonor or irreverence. Six, offense. Seven, grumbling and complaining. Eight, fault-finding. Nine, questioning among yourselves. Ten, not following their leader. Of course, Paul can’t change the human heart, but he does encourage them to get their heart right with God and one another.

Isaiah 34-36

Prophecy often is given in segments, and those segments can overlap previous prophecies. For example, Isaiah has already written on the judgment on the nations and the millennium, but we read further on these events in chapters 34 and 35.

In chapter 36, Isaiah writes on Hezekiah, the king of Judah, and Sennacherib, the king of Assyria. Hezekiah and leaders of other nations wrongfully made an alliance with Egypt in fear of Assyria. Sennacherib invaded to stop the alliance.

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July 26

Acts 26 Paul speaks to Agrippa in answer to the accusations against him. He gives his testimony of his supernatural encounter. In response to his story, Festus, who does not know God, shouts loudly, “PAUL,...
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July 25

Acts 25 Festus travels to Caesarea in Judea, where Paul is imprisoned. The Jews approach Festus as their new leader, since Felix didn’t do anything, and urged him to move Paul to Jerusalem. They had...
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July 24

Acts 24 Paul stood before a Roman commander, then the Sanhedrin, and now Felix. The Jews accused Paul, then Felix gave Paul permission to bring a defense. Felix’s wife, Druscilla, was Jewish, and Felix had...
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