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July 4

Acts 12 At the time Gentiles began to embrace salvation through Christ, King Herod Agrippa (AD 37-44), grandson of Herod the Great, began to harass Christians. Herod martyred James, John’s brother. He was the first of the twelve to be martyred. The traditional Jews were pleased that King Herod killed James, so the king captured Peter and imprisoned him. It was during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and Passover was...
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July 3

Acts 11 In chapter 10, Peter learns that God’s plan includes extending salvation and the Holy Spirit to the Gentiles. When other Jews hear about Peter’s experience with Cornelius, they contend with Peter. When God does something outside of our understanding or experience, we may wonder at it, we may question it, we may debate it or argue it, and some will reject it. After hearing Peter’s experience, they were...
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July 2

Acts 10:24-48 In verse 34, Peter says, “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality.” Peter is coming to a realization that the new covenant has been opened up to Gentiles. This is a big shift in thinking for this devote Jew, but Peter is willing to obey God and to take the Gospel beyond his own people. After preaching, the uncircumcised Gentiles are saved, filled with the Holy...
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July 1

Acts 10:1-23 In the early church, there was a central city for Judaism; it was Jerusalem. In the early “Church” or kingdom of God, there was a central city for Christianity; it was Jerusalem. For the first several years, the apostles stayed in Jerusalem. However, persecution caused many Christians to leave Jerusalem and move into outer regions. Jesus Himself said that His disciples would be witnessed to Him in Jerusalem,...
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June 30

Acts 9:23-43 Staring in verse 23, since Saul’s conversion, three years have passed. For this man who once persecuted Christians, his life is now in danger by the Jews. When Saul hears of their plot, his friends help him to escape out of the house he was in by putting him in a basket and lowering him out of the window. Saul comes to Jerusalem and tries to meet with...
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June 29

Acts 9:1-22 Apostle Paul (Saul) becomes born again in chapter 9 with an intense transformation from death to life. Before Christ, we can see that Saul was passionate about God the Mosaic Law. He was imprisoning Christians because he thought it was the right thing to do. Saul is his Hebrew name. Paul is his Roman name. It was not uncommon to have dual names when dealing with different groups...
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June 28

Acts 8:26-40 Philip was the first to be called an “evangelist” in the book of Acts (21:8). Chapter 8 is about eight years after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. In verse 26, a messenger from God tells Philip to head towards the Gaza desert. On the way, Philip encountered an Ethiopian man traveling on the road. The Ethiopian man was a government official with authority over Queen...
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June 27

Acts 8:1-25 Persecution for Jewish Christians in Jerusalem was on the rise, causing many of them to leave Jerusalem. It drove Christians into Judea and Samaria, where the Gospel continued to spread. Saul (Apostle Paul) is specifically mentioned for consenting to Stephen’s death and for going house to house looking for Christians to drag to prison. We know the Apostle Paul was zealous for God and diligent to keep the...
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June 26

Acts 7:44-60 Stephen has referred to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses. He has quoted Scripture. He has testified of Jesus. He has given a rebuke to his accusers. He is martyred. Was Stephen in faith? If so, then why did he die? Isn’t protection part of our covenant promise? Faith isn’t about a life of comfort and ease. Faith isn’t just about me, me, me. Faith is reliance upon...
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June 25

Acts 7:20-43 Stephen is a man who is full of faith and the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:5). He is standing before his accusers. These Jewish religious leaders believe the old covenant based on the Law is the only religion God has for them. They aren’t hungry for more than what they have. They are protective of Judaism as they know it. However, people who are hungry for more will find...
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June 24

Acts 7:1-19 Stephen was the first Christian martyr that we have on record. Let’s remember the accusation was a threat to temple worship. The high priest and the council listened to Stephen unfold the Scripture. Starting on common ground, Stephen went to their Hebrew roots, mentioning Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Then he moved forward with the twelve sons of Jacob, Joseph, and Moses. This is where they could all agree....
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June 23

Acts 6 In the early church, disciples were multiplying. With growth comes change. Change often takes place because of necessity, and necessities sometimes show up when someone complains, or points out the need. In Acts 6, Hellenists (Greek speaking Jews) pointed out the need that widows needed care. This is a time when there is a tremendous move of the Holy Spirit in power, but look – there were still...
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June 22

Acts 5:17-42 The high priest saw the Christian church was growing, and he and the rest of the Sadducees were filled with indignation, or jealousy. In an effort to stop them, the high priest had the apostles in prison. It could be that if you stand up to do what God has called you to, that someone will be jealous. However, our focus must remain on God, allowing Him to...
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June 21

Acts 5:1-16 In chapter 4 we read about the early church under persecution, coming together to build Christ’s kingdom. In chapter 4:34, we read that those with land sold the property and gave the money to the apostles to distribute and care for the Christians. Keep in mind that Jesus had been crucified, Peter and John had been arrested, the Jews relationship with Rome was heating up, and many early...
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June 20

Acts 4:23-37 Peter and John were just released from being questioned and threatened by Jewish religious leaders. The two return to their own companions, their Christian friends. They told them the religious leaders had commanded them not to speak in the name of Jesus. This group knew there was opposition from their religious leaders, leaders who put Jesus to death. They knew eventually their lives could be in danger as...
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Showing 181-195 of 356 results