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April 20

Luke 17:20-37 The Pharisees knew the Scriptures promised a coming Messiah, a king that would rule the nations from Jerusalem. Some said Jesus was the Messiah, but the Pharisees, in general, did not accept Jesus as the fulfillment of the prophecies. In verse 20, these religious leaders question Jesus, asking Him when the kingdom would come. In verse 21, Jesus says the kingdom would not be in a physical location,...
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April 19

Luke 17:1-19 “It is impossible that no offenses should come.” Well, isn’t that the truth? As long as we live on the earth, people will get offended at Christ and at you. Something on the inside of us tells us that unity is what is right, but yet, even in the church, we sometimes see people trip up and go off-course because of an offense. We can’t control how people...
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April 18

Luke 16:19-31 In these verses we find a story about Sheol, a holding place for the dead. For more on Hades and the afterlife, you can find an article called “What Does the Bible Say About Hell?” in the Bible Answers section of Faith Downloads on In verse 31, the Bible says that even if someone were to come back from the dead and appear to the living, it...
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April 17

Luke 16:1-18 “WHAT IS HIGHLY ESTEEMED AMONG MEN IS AN ABOMINATION IN THE SIGHT OF GOD (verse 15).” This was said about loving money, which is also about loving control and self-sufficiency. In the same verse, Jesus said, “GOD KNOWS YOUR HEARTS.” Having money doesn’t mean you don’t trust God. Loving money does. In verse 10, it speaks of being FAITHFUL to the AUTHORITY. Let’s yield ourselves to God so...
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April 16

Luke 15:11-32 This passage is a parable about a father and two sons. One leaves home and returns. The other stays and resents the gracious treatment of the returning brother. in verse 17, it says the prodigal “came to himself.” How many thought living life apart from God would be fulfilling, and then you “came to yourself?” We need to understand that the ONLY life that will satisfy is a...
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April 15

Luke 15:1-10 In verses 1-7, Jesus tells the parable of the lost sheep. The shepherd left the 99 for the one, but the shepherd made sure the 99 were secure inside the gate. Pastors often were compared to shepherds, and shepherds care for the ones who are their responsibility. Pastors don’t try to take sheep away from another shepherd. Pastors care for the ones in their fold, and they care...
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April 14

Luke 14:25-35 COUNT the cost so you can FINISH. Why are we considering the sacrifice? One, we count the cost so we understand the dying to self it will require. Two, we count the cost so we complete what we are called to do. As Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” He fought, AND...
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April 13

Luke 14:1-24 Dropsy is a condition where the body retains fluids and suffers from inflammation. Jesus turns to the lawyers and Pharisees and asks them a legal question, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” Jesus challenges the heart, having human compassion that would help an animal in trouble but not a human being. Jesus then tells a parable about the attitude to take action to serve someone else...
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April 12

Luke 13:22-35 Jesus teaches about being part of a household; which is a position. When He makes us righteous through our surrender, He gives us a righteous position, in His family. He also expects us to act as if we are from the family of God, living a righteous lifestyle. It’s not based on works, but on obedient reliance, resting in His love. 1 Samuel 10-12 Samuel obeyed the Lord,...
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April 11

Luke 13:1-21 Several times in Jesus’ ministry and the ministry of new testament believers, we see where hands on put on the sick. The physical touch is a contact where the power of God flows through one and into another. That is because the power, the anointing, is tangible. In chapter 13, a woman receives this tangible healing in her body, setting her free and straightening her body. It’s a...
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April 10

Luke 12:35-59 Be ready! Prepare yourself, and prepare for Christ’s coming! In verse 35, it says to gird the waist. When running, people would have to pull up their robes and tuck them into their belts so that their legs were free to move. Keeping the lamps burning is another term for being prepared for Him as well as preparing others for His coming. In verses 49-53, Jesus says the...
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April 9

Luke 12:1-34 Jesus speaks out against hypocrisy, which is play acting, like when actors would put on a mask to hide their true identity. Why would a child of God put on a mask? Why pretend? The purpose is to hide the true heart to gain the approval of others, perhaps even an attempt to gain the approval of God. However, when our hearts are humble, we receive the grace...
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April 8

Luke 11:29-54 Seeking a miracle and seeking the Miracle-Maker are two different things. Jesus said that generation was seeking a wonder, but they were not seeking to surrender to the God of Wonders. A sign is a sign because it points to someone, and that someone is Jehovah. What sign did Jesus say was pointing to salvation? It was the sign of Jonah, three days and three days in the...
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April 7

Luke 11:1-28 One of Jesus’ disciples said to Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” Interesting, that one of the emphasis of John’s ministry was prayer. We should learn from John for as He prepared for Christ’s first coming, we are preparing for His second. Prayer is a major component of the preparation. Jesus teaches on prayer, giving us part of what is known as...
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April 6

Luke 10:25-42 In verses 25-37 is a parable about a Good Samaritan helping a Jew who had been beaten and left for dead. Jesus taught the parable in response to an intelligent lawyer who was trying to trap Jesus in a debate. The Scriptures said to “love your neighbor,” and the question the lawyer posed was, “Who is my neighbor?” The answer at the end of the parable, in verse...
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