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April 5

Luke 10:1-24 Jesus sees the need for more laborers in the harvest of souls. He appointed seventy to go out in pairs into every city and place where He Himself was about to go. He chose them, calling them to be one of 70 He delegated his authority to them He anointed them He does the same for every believer. We are His laborers! We are called, appointed, and anointed...
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April 4

Luke 9:37-62 In verse 48 Jesus says, “…for he who is least and lowliest among you all – he is [the one who is truly] great.” In some places, I have seen where certain carnal men and women were given the pulpit because of their popularity, charisma, gifting, and money. Sometimes they’ve been exposed for their sin, but sometimes their sin is hidden and overlooked because they produce results. The...
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April 3

Luke 9:1-36 In verse 23, Jesus says, “If any person wills to come after Me, let him deny himself [disown himself, forget, lose sight of himself and his own interests, refuse and give up himself] and take up his cross daily and follow Me [cleave steadfastly to Me, conform wholly to My example in living and, if need be, in dying also].” A controlling, religious pride is often opposite of...
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April 2

Luke 8:22-56 In the Amplified version, in verse 23 it says, “they were in great danger.” We also know that Jesus chose these twelve to be the men to be in seats of leadership in His kingdom. They talked about those kingdom seats when they argued over who would be greatest. They should know that God wasn’t through with them yet. Even though they were in grave danger, they would...
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April 1

Luke 8:1-21 In this parable of the seed being sown, Jesus says, “Be careful therefore how you listen. For to him who has [spiritual knowledge] will more be given; and from him who does not have [spiritual knowledge], even what he thinks and guesses and supposes that he has will be taken away.” When people do not have spiritual understanding, they can’t perceive when the Spirit of God is moving....
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March 31

Luke 7:36-50 In this passage we find Jesus in the home of a Pharisee, reclining and dining with this religious leader. Again, we see that Jesus was not intimidated by the Pharisee, and He was willing to meet with the man. A woman who is known as an “especially wicked sinner (Amplified version)” came to anoint Him, honoring Jesus with expensive perfume. First of all, she knew He was going...
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March 30

Luke 7:1-35 In verses 11-17 we read a story about a widow who lost her husband, and now she was burying her son. She was grieving, and Jesus had compassion on her. He raised the son from the dead by using His words to command life, and the power of God operated at His command. In verses 18-35, we read about John. Jesus describes John, a prophet in the wilderness....
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March 29

Luke 6:27-49 Love them. Treat them well. Do good to them. Act nobly toward. Invoke blessings upon. Pray for the happiness. Implore God’s favor. Who? Our enemies – those who have set themselves against us. Jesus had just finished dealing with Pharisees, those who set themselves against Him, even trying to end His ministry. If you are a Christian, especially a leader, and you think people have tried to tear...
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March 28

Luke 6:1-26 The Pharisees were always questioning Jesus, and often times He would question them back, challenging them. I don’t think the Pharisees ever made Jesus ever lose any sleep at night. He was confident in who He was and in His calling. He served Jehovah and leaned on Him, never doubting His Father’s ability to cause Him to fulfill His destiny. This is a powerful lesson for each one...
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March 27

Luke 5:17-39 “The power of the Lord was present to heal them (verse 17).” In verse 16, we see that Jesus often withdrew into a quiet place to pray. Prayer and power go hand in hand. Jesus performed a miracle by healing a paralytic. The people watched and in verse 26, “Overwhelming astonishment and ecstasy seized them all, and they recognized and praised and thanked God; and they were filled...
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March 26

Luke 5:1-16 Jesus often preached by a body of water with a boat nearby because when the crowd would press Him, He would be able to get some distance. In this passage, Jesus teaches from Peter’s boat. People were desperate for Him, and He was there to meet their needs. How desperate are we? When Jesus stopped teaching, He told Peter to fish. After hearing the Word taught, Jesus told...
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March 25

Luke 4:31-44 Jesus is ministering in Galilee, going from city to city. He would teach and then minister the anointing. We do the same today. We hear a message from God’s Word, and then we pray, we lay hands on the sick, we take authority over the enemy. God’s Holy Spirit moves, and God performs wonders. In working under the anointing, Jesus did His part. He stayed in study of...
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March 24

Luke 4:1-30 As we read about Jesus’ temptation, we can see that when agendas get outside of dependency, they become manipulation. Jesus refused to try to manipulate God, but instead to live in reliance on the word of God. In verse 12, it was when Jesus heard that John was put into prison that He went into Galilee. John was His forerunner, and now it was His time. Jesus is...
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March 23

Luke 3 John the Baptist was compared to Elijah. Elijah had gone through a long drought underneath a Jewish king that worshipped the idol of Baal. Many prophets were murdered and any remaining prophets retreated to hide in caves. There was no message from God for several years. The Israelites followed their king in worship to Baal (Baal means controller). Elijah stepped forward with a message from God, calling for...
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March 22

Luke 2:25-52 “He came by the Spirit into the temple.” This phrase is used of Simeon, a man that God had promised he would not die until he had seen the Messiah. This is a man under the old covenant, before the cross and before the Holy Spirit came to indwell the Christian. The Holy Spirit is not just a new testament phenomenon. The Holy Spirit has always moved on...
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