
All For One

“There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”
Ephesians 4:4-6 (NKJV)

Unity is a bond that occurs between people who are sharing God’s love. Unity causes us to embrace one another, accepting and strengthening one another. Unity causes us to accomplish great things by opening up and willingly offering our talents and resources with one another. The one who brings us together in unity is God, when we trust and yield ourselves to His love.

Unity occurs when we’re each in a mature and intimate relationship with God. Love causes us to be confidently humble, surrendered to God and to one another. If a person has not been perfected in love, they continue to strive in themselves, searching for significance, struggling to find acceptance. Their dissatisfaction causes them to pull on others to fill their need; but it is never enough, because God is the only One who can complete them. They long to know their worth, sometimes causing them to rub against others, trying to become more valuable than someone else.

In the book of Ephesians, Apostle Paul wrote to encourage believers to work together in unity to accomplish amazing things for God. He directed them to the great love of God. He told them to endeavor to have unity and peace with one another. He told them to guard against harmful attitudes and words that would cause division and strife. The advancement of God’s kingdom is at stake. Endeavor to keep peace with one another. Avoid those who threaten unity.

When we are in unity, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish together (see Genesis 11:6). There is a world to be won. We need to keep our focus and pursue unity, not only for ourselves, but also for the cause of Christ.

Application: Wherever God has placed you, be determined to walk in love and unity. Focus on developing your relationship with God, with maturity overcoming feelings of doubt, mistrust, selfishness, and pride. As much as it is possible, live in peace with the people around you (Romans 12:18).

Grow Devotes


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God Created Emotions

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