“… Is there not a cause?” I Samuel 17:29
The Philistines were an enemy of Israel, Israel being the people group God chose to reveal Himself to, make covenant with, and bring His Son into the world through. Saul was king over Israel. Goliath was a champion of the Philistine army who challenged any one of the Israelites to a fight. If Goliath won, the nation of Israel would become their servants. If an Israelite won, the Philistines would become servants of Israel. In this one fight, nations were on the line.
Goliath was extremely strong and tall. He had strong armor and destructive weapons. There was not one Israelite that had the confidence to defeat Goliath. The future of the nation of Israel was at stake. David was an underdeveloped teenager who worked as a shepherd for his father. However, David looked beyond his limited ability and put his trust in the Lord. David wanted to fight Goliath.
David’s brother made an accusation of David. He told his brother that his heart was full of pride. David’s question, “Is there not a cause?” was directed at his brother. David was stating his purpose. He wasn’t there because of youthful pride or to watch a battle. David didn’t just see Goliath’s challenge as a defying of Israel, but a defying of the God of Israel. The cause was to fight on behalf of God and his country.
King Saul heard of the youth’s desire to fight the Philistine. David told him of his past shepherding experience where a lion had threatened his father’s sheep, and another time, it was a bear. David talked about how the power of God came on him and helped him to kill the beasts. David assured Saul that the same God would empower him to kill Goliath.
If David lost, Israel would be servants to the Philistines. Saul must have believed that God would anoint David to win because of what was at stake. The two nations watched as the power of the Holy Spirit took a small stone from a shepherd’s pouch and a young shepherd to bring down this giant.
David had a cause. He had a purpose. If we want to accomplish great things for God, we have to know our purpose. If we want to lead others to do big things in God’s kingdom, we have to give them a reason. Know your purpose and accomplish the cause God has for your life.
Application: Is there something God has called you to do, but you feel unqualified to perform the task? Ask God for His anointing to be the power that causes you to do what He has asked you to do.