
Jehovah Elyon” The Lord Most High

“I will cry out to God Most High, to God who performs all things for me.” Psalm 57:2

David wrote Psalm 57 as a worship song when he fled from King Saul into the cave. The prophet Samuel had already anointed David to be the next king of Israel, but the current king, King Saul, was on a hunt to take his life. In his distress, David cried out to the God (Elohim, meaning God of gods) Most High (Elyon).

Elyon is an adjective meaning, “most high, uppermost, pertaining to the heights, in the highest; highness, supreme, lofty, elevated, high in rank, exalted.” When elyon is used as a title for God, Jehovah Elyon, El Elyon, or Elohim Elyon, it means “God Most High.”

I believe David was calling on God who was higher than David’s authority, the One higher in rank than King Saul. In other words, David went over Saul’s head. David went to the Most High God, asking Him to rescue, not just to save his life; but also to fulfill the destiny that God had for Israel through his life as prophesied. We should live the same way, not only for God’s plan for our own life, but to live for the plan God has for others.

David declared that God was the One who “performs all things for me.” David knew God would perform or accomplish what was necessary for David. The word “perform” in the Hebrew also means, “to perfect, complete, finish, and fulfill.” God doesn’t do anything halfway. When God does something, He thinks of everything. He completes what He starts. He brings what He starts to wholeness. God has every detail covered. God will do the same for your life and the ministry He has called you to.

When I think about Jehovah Elyon and what challenges I face in my life, I think, “My God is bigger than that.” Whether it is a challenge with my health, my finances, my family, or my work, I think, “My God is bigger than that!” When I look at the world and the problems we face, I think, “My God is bigger than that!” Sometimes we just need to say out loud, “God, you are MOST HIGH. You are bigger than anything we face. Like David said, ‘You, Elyon, will perform all things for me!’”

Application: Psalm 87:5 says of God’s city (His people), “… the Most High Himself shall establish her.” If you know what God has destined for you, be confident today that He, the Most High, will establish you. There isn’t anything that anyone can do to come against you when the highest, most supreme, exalted God is on your side!

Grow Devotes


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