
Jehovah Shalom: The Lord Our Peace

“So Gideon built an altar there to the Lord, and called it The Lord is Peace…” Judges 6:24

Jehovah means “Lord and Existing One” and Shalom means “peace and wholeness.” The shalom peace of the Lord is found multiple times in the Old Testament, but the name Jehovah Shalom is found only once when Gideon used it to name a place of sacrifice.

Gideon was visited by the Angel of the Lord, which many believe to have been an appearance of Jesus in the Old Testament. He came at a time when the Midianites, an enemy of Israel, were attempting to dominate the Israelites. The messenger said to Gideon, “The LORD is with you, you mighty man of valor.” Gideon responded, “If the Lord is with us, then why has all this happened to us? And where are all His miracles…?

Gideon asked the messenger to assure him that God was with him. Gideon prepared a sacrifice as an act of worship. The Angel of the Lord touched the offering with His staff, and fire consumed the sacrifice. The LORD said to Gideon, “Peace be with you; do not fear, you shall not die.” Gideon had a real God encounter, and from that encounter, he knew God was with him and with Israel. Gideon then built an altar there to the LORD, and called it Jehovah Shalom, “The LORD is Peace.”

In giving the location this name, Gideon was declaring the LORD, the ever-existing one, was their peace. Jehovah Shalom was with them. Strife would be removed. The enemy would be defeated. God would turn the situation around. A miracle would again happen in Israel because of God’s presence and power in their midst. It may have seemed that God had withdrawn Himself, allowed an enemy to get in, and not kept His promises; but Jehovah was with them to turn the situation around.

Have you ever wondered why God has let bad things happen to you? Have you wondered why you have not received your miracle? God wants you to know that He is with you. When you put your trust in Him, God will bring peace to your heart and your situation. His peace includes freedom from fear and strife. His peace also includes miracles of God’s provision to complete any area of our life that is in lack. He makes us whole and complete in every way. Call Him Jehovah Shalom and declare God to be the one who brings peace to your heart and to your life. Watch how the Lord of Peace will turn your situation around.

Application: I encourage you to read chapters six and seven of Judges. Jehovah Shalom brought peace to Israel in a miraculous fashion. Step back, and let the world see God through you.

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