
Living in the Sphere of the Spirit

“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25

In the New Testament, the Christian is encouraged to walk in the Spirit. The Greek word for “walk” has been used to mean, “to go about” and “to make’s one’s way.” It has to do with a way of living or a manner of conducting oneself, not just occasionally, but constantly.

“In the Spirit” has a deeper meaning than what is seen on the surface. The Greek word for “in” has the idea of being inside of a sphere. We are to live and function from a place of being encompassed by the Holy Spirit. Every thought, action, and word is to be done in reliance upon the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. When our family lived in England, our girls got their first hamster. Part of our hamster experience was putting the critter inside of an exercise ball. Inside the ball, the hamster could roll around the room. This is the illustration I think of when I think of walking in the Spirit. We’re living inside the sphere of dependency on the Holy Spirit. Our lifestyle is lived according to what is found from being in Him.

Living in the Spirit requires three things. One, to live in the sphere of the Holy Spirit means we are born again and the Holy Spirit has come to live in our heart, or our spirit. Two, to live in the sphere of the Holy Spirit means that we have been filled with the Holy Spirit, a second work to salvation. Three, to live in the sphere of the Holy Spirit means that we are continually and spiritually surrendered to the Holy Spirit so that we follow His leading. This means that we are not only open to what the Holy Spirit wants to do, but we are also constantly in pursuit of what He wants to do. The Holy Spirit only does what the Father God wants. The Holy Spirit is our link to the Father. We do this individually, and we do this corporately, when we come together in our local church.

Being spiritual is not about being spooky. When I say spooky, I’m describing when someone seeks the supernatural from the flesh instead of from the spirit. We are spirit beings, so following the Holy Spirit should seem “right.” There is peace. There is humility. There is truth in the interpretation and application of the Scriptures. There is a worship that experiences the majesty of God. The Holy Spirit is spiritual, not spooky. He is ever ready to lead us to encounter the presence of the Lord, to equip us to accomplish God’s purpose, to empower us to overcome the flesh, and to execute the supply for whatever we need. Living in the sphere of the Spirit is a fulfillment beyond our imagination.

Application: The Holy Spirit will never push us; He will gently lead us as we open our hearts to Him. Consider if you are completely surrendered in the sphere of His will for your life, and learn to roll with Him.

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