“Everyone who is called by My name, whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him.” Isaiah 43:7
The glory of God is the manifested presence of God – His greatness, His majesty, His splendor, His excellence, His power, His anointing, His fame, His authority, and His riches. We all were created to know God and to know Him in His glory. Not everyone knows God, and others are at different levels of their understanding and experience of God; however, when we encounter God’s presence with a tangible anointing, there is a tremendous spiritual fulfillment of knowing who is the source of our life and knowing the splendor we were made to be a part of.
I believe that God longs to reveal Himself to His children so that we can know Him in His glory. If God wants the world to know His greatness, then why does it seem that His glory is hidden? Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Sin caused us to fall short of the glory we were created to know. In Colossians 1:27 it says that Jesus Christ is the hope of glory. Through yielding our lives to Jesus Christ, we can be restored to knowing God and restored to a life of knowing God’s glory.
Our experience with knowing God is both individual and corporate, meaning that we have our personal experience with God, but we also can experience the presence of God when we come together collectively. The Holy Spirit lives in us, so God is always there to meet with us individually. Also, when we come together for the purpose of meeting with God, His presence can be manifested corporately. As a group we can experience the glory and the anointing of God when we collectively pursue His presence.
God wants to be known. God wants us to experience His glory and His goodness. He wants us to pursue Him to restore us back to knowing His presence and His power. He wants us to seek Him as the One who will meet any needs that we have. He made us to know His glory!
Application: Moses was a man who pursued the manifested presence of God. In Exodus 33:18 he cried out to God, “Please, show me Your glory.” God answered His prayer, and Moses saw the glory of God. This should also be our prayer, when we are alone and when we come together for worship services, “Lord, please, show us Your glory!”