
Only A Miracle Will Do

“I recall the many miracles He did for me…” Psalm 77:11 TLB

One definition of a miracle is “an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause (Dictionary.com).” A miracle goes beyond human capability; it is the power of God. In the Hebrew language, the original language of the Old Testament, one word for miracle is mowpheth. It is often translated as “sign” or “wonder.” It comes from a root word meaning, “to be bright, beautiful.” A miracle is a beautiful and splendid deed that God performs over and above anything we could ever do on our own. His miracles amaze us; they put us in awe of God’s glory.

We need God. As the creation, our life is connected to having a relationship with our Creator. Everything good comes from Him. We, as the creation, are limited. We have limited strength, ability, and resources. When we face a situation where our natural ability is not enough, we need God to move supernaturally. Sometimes only a miracle will do.

God knows we need Him. God created us as an extension of His life. He knows that apart from Him, we are not complete. When sin came into the world, it began to work death in the world and in the human race. Sickness came into existence, not because God created it, but because sin caused it. The same is true of poverty, death, mental disability, physical defects and abnormalities, and the like.

Needing God is a good place to be. If you want to experience a miracle, then you must be willing to be put into a position where a miracle is required. You aren’t designed to live apart from God. We all need Him, but realizing that need is a good first step to having our needs met. If only a miracle will do, then you are an opportunity to show God’s power to the world around you.

God loves us. God deeply cares for us like a loving father cares for his children. God’s character is good. He would not abandon us, abuse us, or cause us to suffer. God’s power is an expression of His love. He went to the extent of sending His Son to die to remove the penalty of sin.

God is ready to perform your miracle. The way to connect with God is typically through spiritual means. You need to open your heart to Him in order to receive from Him.

Application: If you have not received your miracle, please do not blame God or yourself. Continue to seek Him. He is faithful.

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