
Our Helper

“And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever-“ John 14:16

When I see the Holy Spirit being called a helper, I think of someone who serves. I suppose this shouldn’t seem unusual when we consider that Jesus told us that He didn’t come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28). Jesus, the Son of God, had authority over His followers and led them in ministry, yet He also humbly stooped down to wash their feet. Similar to Jesus, the Holy Spirit is God; yet He wants to serve us in our mandate to take the Gospel to the world. I think it is important to mention that even though the Holy Spirit assists us, He is not our subordinate; He is our Lord. We don’t have the power that the Holy Spirit does. We don’t have the knowledge that the Holy Spirit has. We should reverence the Holy Spirit and seek to follow His lead, not expect Him to follow our lead.

In John 14:16, Jesus called the Holy Spirit “Helper.” In the original language, the Greek word for helper is “parakletos,” which is literally, “one called alongside to help.” The word also signifies a counselor, intercessor, comforter, helper, advocate, strengthener, and standby. It was a word used for an attorney. He is called to be near us; He is by our side and on our side. Like an attorney, the Holy Spirit counsels us on what God wants us to say and do or not say and do. Like an attorney, the Holy Spirit instructs us. He takes residence in our hearts so He can teach us what we don’t know. Like our attorney, he is a comforter, consoling us, restoring us, and encouraging us. Like an attorney the Holy Spirit is an intercessor, someone who helps to bridge the gap for us. What seems impossible, the Holy Spirit can bring together and make possible. Like an attorney, the Holy Spirit will strengthen us. He will give us everything we need to live the life God has called us to live. Like an attorney, the Holy Spirit is a standby, ready to confirm the Gospel message we share by working in the hearts of the listeners. He opens the eyes of their spiritual understanding and brings conviction. He also gives demonstration of God’s power by signs and wonders. We can’t do what the Holy Spirit can do, so we need to learn to surrender to His authority and give Him opportunity to do His ministry. The Holy Spirit is someone called alongside to help, so call on Him. Don’t try to live or minister in your own strength. You have a well-qualified Helper. By His power, the Universe was created. By His might, Jesus was raised from the dead. Whatever God has for your life, the Holy Spirit is capable and willing to do.

Application: Is there an area of your life where you feel you fall short? Stuck? Out of control? Call on the Holy Spirit to demonstrate His power in your life, then give God the glory so others can know Him too.

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