“Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…” 2 Peter 3:18
Growth requires change. Just like the seasons of change we see in nature, God will take us through seasons of change as we grow. Change is good as we develop as individuals – spiritually, intellectually, skillfully, emotionally, financially, physically, and relationally. Collectively we should also want to develop – in ministry, community, business, family, friendships, and any other group of which we are a part.
God has a purpose for every season. In some seasons we are more productive, and in others we are planting or starting, pruning or growing, resting or preparing. It is wise to acknowledge there are seasons of life and to discern the season in which you are growing. The Holy Spirit helps us to navigate our seasons and the purpose God has for us in those seasons.
Whatever your season, be determined to get everything out of it that you are meant to attain, do, or become. If you don’t, you very well may come back around and repeat that season until you do. You will be like the Israelites went round and round in the wilderness until they were ready to go in and take their land. Let’s not be slow, but quick to listen and obey.
To accomplish your full potential, trust that God knows what He is doing in your season, even if you don’t. Don’t try to rush out of your season, but rather, let God work on your character, let Him bring you to an end of yourself, let Him work out His timing before the next season begins. As the saying goes, “Grow through what you go through.”
To transform means to change. Romans 12:2 tells us, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” This transitioning is a continual process of becoming more like our Father, showing others this amazing God-life we can live.
When the next season begins to unfold, allow the Holy Spirit to help you transition. The way we leave a season often will affect how we enter into the next season. What we do is important, but how we do it is just as valuable. Let’s commit to change, and become all we are meant to become, do all we are meant to do, and have what we are to have.
Application: We walk by faith, not by sight. If you don’t know your purpose, seek Him. If you aren’t hearing His voice, seek Him. If you feel dry, seek Him. He will be found by you.