
Stay True to Your Ministry

“…I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God 

in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 3:14


To fulfill the ministry that God has called each of us to, we have to stay true to our calling. To stay true to our calling requires that we stay focused and diligent to our task. It requires that we stay consecrated to a holy lifestyle. It requires that we keep the Lord as our first love. 


In Luke 10:38-42 Jesus tells Martha that she is worried and troubled about many things. The Greek word Jesus used to describe Martha is “merimnao,” meaning to be divided into parts, or distracted. Martha’s focus was divided with all the things that needed to be done, things that didn’t matter as much as the opportunity to spend time with Jesus.


Along with God empowering you to say “yes” to Him is also the permission to say “no” to anything that pulls you in a direction different to what God is calling us to do. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t be willing to serve in areas where there is need. What I am saying is that you have one life to live, and with the life you have been given, be sure that you fulfill your calling. If we are going to finish our race, we have to stay on track with our focus, our obedience, and our motivation. 


One way we can get distracted is by getting our eyes off of our Creator and comparing ourselves to another person or ministry. We have to recognize that God’s call on our life is different from anyone else’s. We can celebrate another person’s ministry as being part of the body of Christ, but our uniqueness will only come out as we focus on our Maker. We can learn from one another, but our individual identity must come directly from our Father in Heaven and remain true to that.  


It is important to mention that even if we get off track, God is able to restore us and continue to use us from the point that we choose to give our lives back to Him. Never give up on God or yourself. “But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” Acts 20:24


Application: If you have ever been off track through distraction or disobedience, don’t let the past hold you back. Don’t let the criticism of others hold you back. Don’t let your current situation keep you from fulfilling your destiny. Fix your eyes on Jesus, your only Lord and Savior, and run your race in His grace.  

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