
Submission Knows Satisfaction

“As for me, I will continue beholding Your face in righteousness (rightness, justice, and right standing with You); I shall be fully satisfied, when I awake [to find myself] beholding Your form [and having sweet communion with You.]” Psalm 17:15

When you are in a relationship with the Lord, submitted to His love, you know the generosity of His grace. God will give you everything that you need, and He will give it to you abundantly. He gives you Himself, the One who is known as “the God who is more than enough.” God satisfies every desire of our heart, and every desire of the flesh is extinguished in the sight of His greatness and the warmth of His love.

Even those who have a relationship with God can experience the craving of a wrongful desire. The Bible uses the word “covet” to describe taking pleasure in something that is outside of God’s plan for your life. Living a submitted life means finding contentment within the boundaries God sets for us. The boundaries are not given to restrict us, but to give us freedom within what is healthy and good. Going outside of the boundaries of God’s plan is where pain and anguish are found. If a decision is made to submit, then God can come in and fulfill anywhere we are lacking.

It is important for you to know that God is on your side! Sin will oppose God’s holiness, but God’s mercy will reach out to the one who wants freedom. God knows that temptation can chain up your soul with a torturous discontent. He has compassion for those want to be liberated from the relentless hold on your thoughts and emotions. The answer is found in Him. It’s not just a do-good relationship where you go to church, read the Bible and keep the rules, but an intimate relationship with God where you experience His presence, His anointing and His love. It is in nearness to God that every chain is broken.

One definition of covet in the Hebrew language means, “to bend or inflect,” meaning “to turn aside.” What covetousness will do is pull you off track for God’s best, but even worse, it attempts to pull you out of submission to God and therefore, out of intimate relationship with God. When God told His people not to covet, He was telling them not to even give attention to a wrongful desire. Submit your thoughts and emotions to the God who loves you. Let Him overwhelm you with His goodness and flood your soul with His love. Pursuing and remaining in the presence of God is what completely satisfies the human heart and soul.

Application: Do you wrestle with a wrongful desire that is pulling on your soul to give it your attention? Don’t allow yourself to play with temptation. Instead, fix your gaze on God’s beauty. Be satisfied with Him.

Grow Devotes


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