
The Anointing and You

“I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh, your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.” Acts 2:17

Jesus was anointed by the Anointing, the Holy Spirit. The name “Christ” literally means, “anointed one.” After Jesus rose from the dead, instead of staying much longer on the earth, He ascended back to heaven. There was a reason for His departure – it was not to leave His disciples on their own. It was not to abandon the world He recently died for. He left because human beings could now be born again, made righteous in spirit, and could receive the same Holy Spirit He had. Instead of one man ministering the anointing or power of God, the anointing could rest on dozens, hundreds and eventually thousands of those who would represent Him. They would be anointed ones, known as “Christians.”

The Bible says that the Holy Spirit was poured out on all flesh, meaning He was given to everyone – men, women, young and old. Later it was revealed to Paul and to Peter that the Holy Spirit was also for different races, not just the Jews. God is looking for vessels He can pour Himself through. He not only loves us all, but He also qualifies us all.

God wants to use us as a container of His anointing and power. Whether we are male or female, young or old, Jewish or other race, God not only loves us; He values us equally. In Luke 10, we see a Samaritan helping a Jew that had been robbed and beaten. I don’t read where the Jew resisted the help from a race that was considered a “half-breed” by the Jews of that day. We shouldn’t discriminate against others or ourselves based on the ideas of culture rather than the truth of God’s Word.

God also qualifies us as a vessel, even though you are not perfect. There are two ways He does this. The first way is positional. When we accept Christ as Lord, God says we’ve been made righteous. This is not our doing; it’s His doing. He positions us in Christ, in right-standing with Him. This qualifies us for being a vessel of His anointing.

God also helps us to walk in righteousness. The more consecrated we are to spending time with God in the spirit, the greater the anointing can flow through our lives. Let go of the failures of the past, feelings of guilt or shame or fear, temptation, religious pride, or whatever may try to hold you back. God’s anointing is for you!

Application: Sometimes we discriminate against ourselves based on self-perceptions of worth or imperfection. We need to learn the freedom we have in Christ and believe God’s anointing will flow through us.

Grow Devotes


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