
The End is in Sight

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

We are living in a time when the Gospel has gone farther than it has ever gone before. There are thriving and growing churches of thousands in nations around the globe, doing church well and reaching multitudes of people. These churches have been planting new churches, strategizing outreaches and sending out missionaries into remote places.

Not only are churches increasing by the thousands in various countries, but through the internet the Gospel is available to any developed nation with online capability.

In addition, there are reports of people in remote areas that are hearing the Gospel preached in visions and dreams. My husband and I personally met a Christian from Iran who gave us his testimony of conversion. He was searching for the truth about God and had a vision of a man dressed in white that shared the salvation message of Jesus Christ. After that supernatural experience, he believed and accepted Christ as his savior. The end is in sight – the Gospel is going to the end of the earth! In our lifetime, we are seeing the kingdom of God expand like no other generation has seen.

Jesus said in Matthew 24:14, “This Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” The world as we know it with sin and death, disease and deformity, poverty and famine, wars and terrorism, human trafficking and pornography, drugs and abuse – it is coming to an end! By that end, the Gospel will have gone out to all nations. Daniel 8:19 says, “at the appointed time the end shall be.” I don’t believe that God is waiting on the church before He sends His Son to rule over His kingdom. I believe that God knows the day and the hour that Jesus Christ will return, and I believe that in that time period this Gospel will be preached to the end of the earth. We are seeing it happen!

Jesus is returning as a King for His Church, an invisible kingdom that has been building and strengthening over generations. Let’s continue to prepare for His return, and reach as many people as we can in the time that we have left!

Application: Who is in your world? Who needs to hear of God’s love and salvation? Don’t wait! Share the Gospel message with everyone you can.

Grow Devotes


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