“…The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!” Revelation 11:15
With His first coming, Jesus started His kingdom; in His second coming, Jesus will come to rule His kingdom.
The second coming of Christ is not to be confused with the rapture. The rapture is the event when Jesus gathers believers together with Him in the air. The second coming is when Jesus returns to the earth for battle, bringing the nations under His dominion in the battle of Armageddon. The second coming occurs after the rapture.
The Bible refers to the second coming as the Day of the Lord. It isn’t a 24-hour day, but rather a time period that belongs to Jesus Christ to take His place of authority and to cleanse the earth. The wrath of God will be poured out, purifying the world and making it ready for Jesus to reign.
At His first coming, Jesus entered Jerusalem on a lowly donkey; at His second coming Jesus will ride in on a white horse, surrounded by an army of saints.
At His first coming, Jesus entered Jerusalem as the sacrificial Lamb; at His second coming Jesus will enter as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, in strength and power.
At His first coming, Jesus was mocked as a king, tortured and crucified. In His second coming Jesus will be glorified as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Him as Lord over all.
It will be a glorious day when Jesus rules the nations, but today He wants to rule our hearts. Today Jesus is building His kingdom in us. His temple is not in a building, but instead He dwells in our hearts as our King. His power, His glory – it is seen in us. We are to represent our Lord and do the works that He did. We are to preach, teach, heal, deliver, give, and go in His name by the anointing of the Spirit that He sent to us. He is King in the hearts of those who believe, both now and forever.
Application: God’s desire is for His kingdom to expand and strengthen until the day He sends His Son to take His dominion over the nations. Our part is to yield to His lordship and to go out with the power of the Holy Spirit to win more of the people that Jesus died for. Share the Gospel message with someone today.