
The Revelation Three

“But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit…” I Corinthians 2:10

The nine manifestations (gifts) of the Spirit are supernatural, meaning with the Holy Spirit’s help. They happen when the Holy Spirit graces or empowers us to do something we can’t do on our own. For the purpose of learning, the nine manifestations can be divided into three categories: revelation, power and proclamation. In this study, we will look at the three revelation manifestations (gifts) found in I Corinthians 12:8, 10.

A word of knowledge is a specific portion of information the Holy Spirit reveals to our spirit. He causes us to know something that we didn’t know before. He may give us this information for something we need personally. He also may want to show Himself to someone else by revealing something that is unknown to you. When you have knowledge that you didn’t have before, it is clear that God revealed it to you. People will see the power of God and believe. See Acts 14:9 where Paul had knowledge of the man’s faith for healing.

A word of wisdom is when the Holy Spirit supernaturally reveals a part of wisdom on what to do. He doesn’t reveal all wisdom, but He supernaturally shares the part we need to know or the part that confirms to someone else what they need to know. Because it is supernatural, people realize they have encountered the Lord, His love, and His power. See Acts 27:9-44 when Paul knew by the Spirit that the ship would encounter difficulty in a storm.

The discernment of spirits is a knowing or revelation about a spirit being, either an angel or a demon. This is a supernatural revelation given by the power of the Holy Spirit. If it is an angel or angels, then the revelation may be an encouragement to you or others. If it is a demon, the Holy Spirit will also provide the power to cast it out. See Acts 13:9 where the Holy Spirit filled Paul and gave him unction to take action.

Revelation is never given to embarrass or humiliate a person. These manifestations are given to edify and encourage. Follow the Holy Spirit, not only in action and in power, but also in compassion and love.

Application: If you desire to experience more of the manifestations (gifts) of the Spirit, that is a good desire. Step out to serve people and keep your spirit open to the Holy Spirit. He will equip you to minister as needed.

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