
The Triple Hold

“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus…” Romans 8:1

Sin does more than separate people from God. Sin also distorts the way we think and feel about ourselves, about one another, and even about God. The sin consciousness is permeated with thoughts and emotions affected by guilt, shame, and fear – the triple hold.

The triple hold can affect any of us, saved or lost, because all of us have known sin. The more we develop in our relationship with God through Christ, the more our mentality and emotional condition are changed to think and feel in line with God’s design for us.

Sin is acting independently of God, attempting to be sufficient in and of self. The very first time we see sin was with Adam and Eve. After their sin, we immediately see the triple hold of the sin consciousness. The two experienced shame and attempted to cover their bodies. They felt fear, attempting to hide from God in the garden. They knew guilt, attempting to shift blame to another. We all have known some measure of all three – guilt, shame, and fear.

The triple hold can do five things. One, it can hinder our communion with God. The sin consciousness works to keep us at a distance from God, afraid and discouraged from intimacy with our Father. Two, it can keep us from receiving God’s promises. Three, it can hinder our prayers. If we are not confident in the righteousness we have in Christ, we want have the boldness needed for approaching God or for taking our authority in Christ. Four, it can hinder us from having healthy relationships with others. Five, it can hinder our ministry to others.

God wants us to be free from the triple hold of the sin conscious so we can be all He’s created us to be, have all that He has intended for us to have, and do all that He is calling us to do. Instead of fear, He wants us to have faith. Instead of guilt, He wants us to know His grace. Instead of cowering in shame, God wants us to shine with His favor.

Transformation is a process. Humble yourself before God, study the Bible, rely on the Holy Spirit to help, and make sure you are speaking the same things God says over your life. You will develop a God consciousness instead of sin consciousness and enjoy new life in Christ!

Application: Today, take time to notice what you are saying about yourself, God, and others. Are your words in line with your redemption, or do they support the sin consciousness?

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