
You Are Meant For Great Things

“The anointing which you have received from Him abides in you.”
I John 2:27

If you’ve ever felt like you were meant to do something great, it’s because you ARE! Your Daddy is the creator and originator or all power, all wisdom, and all things good and true. He made you to know Him, experience Him, and operate together with Him. Jesus said we would do greater works than He did because of the Spirit of power He sent.

His tangible power is referred to as “the anointing.” His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, is also referred to as the Anointing. The Holy Spirit is the power of God, and He possesses the power of God. When God created the Universe, it was in partnership with the Holy Spirit. God gave the command, and the Holy Spirit carried it out. When God raised Jesus from the dead, it was the Holy Spirit who brought the Savior up from the grave. When you give your life to God through the redemption Jesus Christ provided, that SAME SPIRIT comes to reside inside of you. If that is unfamiliar to you, understand that spiritual matters are known from our spirit, the innermost part of who we are. As we develop spiritually, we learn to recognize the Holy Spirit, to perceive what He is communicating, and to realize when and how He is manifesting His power.

Not only does the Holy Spirit offer to reside; He also offers to empower. If we are willing, Jesus will immerse us in the power and fire of the Holy Spirit. We call this the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is a separate experience from the new birth. To receive it, it must be asked for. The Holy Spirit will never push His power on you.

Here are a few characteristics of the anointing:
The power of God is spiritual. It can manifest and change what is natural.
The power of God is tangible. It has substance. When you are spiritually perceptive, you can experience it. I have sensed God’s power falling on me like a blanket. I have sensed what was like a fire move through my hands and other manifestations.
The power of God flows. This tangible substance moves from God, through us, and touches others.

Jesus wants you to have power to live this life and to help others. Value the Holy Spirit and you will experience the supernatural power of God.

Application: The more we give ourselves to the Holy Spirit and God’s Word, the more we are aware of spiritual matters. Spend some time with God today. Ask Him to manifest His anointing through your life.

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